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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Price Paid: $49.99
Release Date: 11/16/1999
Date Purchased: unknown
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 12/17/2004

It seems that the Resident Evil series just keeps getting better and better. This is the third installment of the series and is in my opinion, the most fun to play. In this game, you once again are walking around through Racoon City and blowing away zombies and other mutants with a variety of cool weapons.

Once again, it appears that although this game is a lot more fun to play than the previous two Resident Evils, it feels like it isn't as scary. It feels like the emphasis was placed on fun gameplay rather than freaking out the player. The game still has its share of jumpy moments and tension filled scenes, it just feels like they're fewer and farther between. This could all be skewed by the fact that I think the original Resident Evil was just about the scariest game I've ever played.

The graphics of this game are by far the best of the series. All of the pre-rendered backgrounds are absolutely beautiful and the characters and enemies are beautifully animated and detailed. Once again, I feel like I need to emphasize again that this game really is fun to play. Even though the control scheme is just as outdated and awkward as the first Resident Evil, it is just much more fun to play for some reason.

The replay value of this game is also greatly improved from it predecessors. Once you beat the game, you have an option to start a series of minigames where you play as different characters and try to run through a certain course with a limited amount of ammo and time. You can also play the game from a different perspective and starting point much like Resident Evil 2.

In conclusion, this is the best Resident Evil game in the series and probably in the running for the best survival horror game on the market today. I'm sure you can pick it up for fairly cheap now and although it is a little old, it still is able to hold your interest like a modern game. This is a great addition to any collection.

Alison Lum Events
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