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Turok: Evolution

Price Paid: $9.99
Release Date: 9/1/2002
Date Purchased: 6/6/2003
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 5/28/2004

I read a review about this game on gamespot.com and it got pretty good ratings. Later, I saw it brand new at CompUSA for only $10, so I picked it up. The review from gamespot.com said that it was like Metal Slug. Well, it's a little bit like Metal Slug only much, much worse. I guess I should have known that there was a reason why it was in the $10 bin. The reason why it was in the bargain bin was because the game sucks. I will give it some credit for trying to be innovative. The game is split into two different types of gameplay. Some of the levels are traditional Contra style side scrolling levels while other levels (and all boss fights) are the type of level where you shoot into the screen (like Cabal or Blood Bros). While this is a novel idea, it isn't executed very well.

Probably the worse thing about this game is the lack of a battery save feature. To make things worse, you have to enter in two passwords every time you want to play (one level password and one weapons password). This makes it a total drag to have to carry around passwords with your GBA.

The gameplay is somewhat fun, but the only problem is that the action is so close to the character that there is no real reason to have multiple weapons. There is basically no difference between the shotgun and the laser; both seem to have the same range.

In short, I played through it with one of the two possible characters and I don't think I'll ever pick up this game again. The only good thing is that it's another box to have in my collection.

Alison Lum Events
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