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Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Price Paid: $19.99
Release Date: 12/7/2004
Date Purchased: 5/19/2006
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by TL on 9/5/2007

Chain of Memories provides an entertaining play and an insightful look into the events between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Creative limitations (read: laziness) on Square's part resulted in a "new" adventure that is largely a rehashing of the adventure most gamers would have just completed. While such a story does allow newcomers to the series to largely understand the events that came before, other gamers might be left scratching their heads wondering, "Haven't I killed him/her three times already?" (to which the answer is yes, you have).

However, those responsible for the gameplay mechanics exhibited a rather larger stretch of creativity, and the real-time card based gameplay proves both entertaining and challenging, with the later stages becoming equal parts strategy, reflexes, and skill.

Like any good RPG, KH:CoM provides nigh endless hours for the perfectionist in all of us. Thanks to the random nature of card acquisition, one can spend days pursuing a particular card type and strength, and never get it. This can be hugely rewarding when achieved but, more likely, will simply prove insanely frustrating. The good news is that if you've reached this point, you've probably already beat the game (twice!) and didn't really need the card to proceed anywhere anyways.

While not an epic work in terms of its complexity and scope, KH:CoM provides a solidly entertaining play that focuses more on providing gratification through its battles than on weaving an intriguing and topical storyline. If you want the latter, try Final Fantasy: Tactics or Vagrant Story.

Alison Lum Events
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