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Resident Evil

Price Paid: $11.69 (used)
Release Date: 5/1/2002
Date Purchased: 9/10/2005
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by CL on 2/24/2006

Although this it suppose to be a remake of the original like Resident Evil, I find it difficult to find many similarities. Capcom has done a wonderful job and redone the original game from the ground up to present an entirely new experience in the Gamecube version. Most of the places that you visit are completely new and even the old mansion where the original took place is totally different with new rooms/areas/items/etc. The graphics and sound in this game are top notch, which makes for a very scary gaming experience. There were countless moments where I contemplated just quitting because I was too on edge and anxious about what was going to pop up next. Overall, this was a very pleasurable experience and a good edition to the Resident Evil series.

Alison Lum Events
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