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Megaman Network Transmission

Price Paid: $5.09 (used)
Release Date: 6/17/2003
Date Purchased: 12/18/2006
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by CL on 2/6/2007

Megaman has seen lots of changes throughout the years. The franchise has evolved from the original classic story to the X story line, and finally to the Battle Network story line. Traditionally, the Battle Network storyline is more of a role playing type of game but Megaman Network Transmission mixes both the RPG elements found in many of the handheld version with the classic 2D side scrolling action of the classic Megaman story. The biggest change is that you no longer gain boss' powers in the classic way. Instead, you increase your attacking power by collecting various chips which are scattered throughout the game. You can use these chips as special attacks, heal, or induce other effects during the game. While this is an innovative way to handle power ups, it feels like it would fit better in a role playing game than in a traditional 2D side scrolling action game. In general, I found that I enjoyed the Gameboy Advance versions of the game more than this one.

Alison Lum Events
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