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Luigi's Mansion

Price Paid: $2 (used)
Release Date: 11/18/2001
Date Purchased: 2/9/2005
Condition: complete
Rating System Guide    

Reviewed by CL on 3/26/2005

This was one of the system launch titles for the Gamecube. Usually, Nintendo has released a groundbreaking Mario game with the release of a new system. There was Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo, Super Mario World for the SNES, and the list goes on. However, for the Gamecube, Nintendo broke stride by giving Luigi his own game. This game involves Luigi going around a haunted mansion hunting ghosts. It broke the traditional platforming role of a Mario game and instead played more like a kiddie version of Resident Evil where instead of killer zombies and monsters, there were friendly ghosts. This was fun to play and explore, but it just didn't feel like a real Mario game since there really was no jumping and Goomba stomping. I would recommend playing this for the novelty of it to see what an early Gamecube game was like, but just don't expect it to be the next great Mario platformer.

I got this for super cheap at a local flea market store. Surprisingly, it was in great condition as well.

Alison Lum Events
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