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Beyond Good and Evil

Price Paid: $19.99
Release Date: 12/10/2003
Date Purchased: 6/17/2004
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 9/26/2004

I always have a hard time writing reviews for great games. I'm almost tempted to simply post a link to a professional gaming site's review since they are usually very thorough and address all the points of the game that make it so great. I'm always scared that I lack the communication skills to effectively write down in words the great gaming experience that is contained within. Beyond Good and Evil is exactly one of these games.

Beyond good and evil is so innovative and refreshing on so many levels that I don't think I can address them all in a few short paragraphs. The game takes place in a world which is being besieged by alien invaders. The established government is trying to repel the attack and keeps the population under martial law while the war is ongoing. You take the role of Jade, a member of an underground resistance movement which is convinced that the government is actually in cahoots with the aliens. You're job is to infiltrate and expose the conspiracy.

This game mixes elements of adventure and exploration in masterful ways which rivals games like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The main game progresses as a series of missions that you undertake which further the story along. In addition to the main quest, there are tons of little side quests that you undertake in the huge world that you explore. Some of these involve taking pictures of different animals or entering races. This keeps the game fun and refreshing.

The adventuring is top notch and it is just plain fun to play. There are so many things to do and see in this game that I really can't write them all down. You'll just have to take my word for it that this is one of the best games of the current generation and play it yourself.

Alison Lum Events
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