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About the Collection

Some people collect stamps, some collect books, my brothers and I collect videogames. The attraction to this collection is probably rooted in one of my oldest and fondest childhood memories, playing video games with my brothers until the wee hours of the morning on the old Nintendo. Our parents only let us play on the weekend (so it wouldn't interfere with our homework). And on the weekends, we were only allow to play for 30 minutes a day...boy have things changed.

I've recently got back into the videogame scene in 2000. Now, instead of playing them fanatically, I actually collect video games and systems. I seem to enjoy having the games as much as playing them. I don't have the time to play them much during the school year, so I seem to just collect games that I find and like. The cause of this is probably rooted in the fact that as a little kid, I never had enough money to get the games I wanted, so I'm trying to compensate and make up for lost time now.

You can check out any of the above links to see which games/system my brothers and I have collected so far. I also review all of the games and systems and other accessories that we have.
Alison Lum Events
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