SPHSC 563 Instructional Development Forum


Teaching Philosophy Assignment
Individual Teaching Assignment
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General Description

This two quarter course has two required assignments for students to complete. The first assignment, creating a Teaching Philosophy, is designed to assist students in developing their beliefs about teaching/learning at the college level.  A teaching philosophy guides an instructor's development of a course and his/her style of teaching. For the Teaching Philosophy Assignment, each student will outline and draft a basic teaching philosophy.  The second assignment, Individual Teaching Assignment, is designed to facilitate growth in an area of personal interest in regards to teaching/learning at the college level. This  "pedagogy" assignment should be tied to some specific aspect of instruction that assists the student in the development of his/her knowledge and/or skills related to teaching.  This assignment requres that the student select a topic regarding teaching, find one relevant research article on the topic, summarize the research and lead a class discussion about the selected topic.  Details about the Teaching Philosophy and the Individual Teaching assignments are provided through the links on this page.