CS 359: Topics in Artificial Intelligence

    Introduction to Discourse and Dialogue


Bonnie Webber. (2006). Accounting for Discourse Relations: Constituency and Dependency, In M. Butt, M. Dalrymple and T. King, Intelligent Linguistic Architectures, Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2006, pp. 339-360.

Wolf, F. and T. Gibson. (2005) "Representing Discourse Coherence: A Corpus-Based Study", Computational Linguistics, 31 (2), p.250-287.

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Allen, James. (1995). Natural Language Understanding, 2nd edition. Benjamin/Cummings. 

Harald Aust, Martin Oerder, Frank Seide, Volker Steinbiss. (1995). The Philips automatic train timetable information system.Speech Communication17(3-4), p. 249-262

Jason Baldridge, Nicholas Asher, and Julie Hunter. 2007. Annotation for and Robust Parsing of Discourse Structure on Unrestricted Texts. Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft 26: 213-239.

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Cassell, J. (to appear). "Embodied Conversation: Integrating Face and Gesture into Automatic Spoken Dialogue Systems." Spoken Dialogue Systems (Luperfoy, ed.). The MIT Press. 

Cassell, J. & Vilhjalmsson, H. (1999). Fully Embodied Conversational Avatars: making Communicative Behaviors Autonomous. To appear in: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Journal (2). ACM.

Chafe, Wallace. (1994). Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. The University of Chicago Press.

Chovil, Nicole (1991). Discourse-Oriented Facial Displays in Conversation. Research on Language and Social Interaction (25), pp. 163-194.

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Goffman, Erving. (1983). Forms of Talk. University of Pennsylvania Publication.

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Grosz, Barbara; Scott, Donia; Kamp, Hans; Cohen, Phil; Giachin, Egidio. (1997). "Chapter 6: Discourse and Dialogue". Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, (R. Cole, J. Mariani, H. Uszkoreit, A. Zaenen, & V. Zue, eds.). Cambridge University Press.

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Hiyakumoto, Laurie; Prevost, Scott; Cassell, Justine. (1997). Semantic and Discourse Information for Text-to-Speech Intonation. Proceedings of ACL Workshop on Concept-to-Speech Technology. [PDF]

Jefferson, Gail. (1978). "Sequential Aspects of Storytelling in Conversation". Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction, pp. 219-248. Academic Press.

Jurafsky, Daniel & Martin, James. H. (2000). Speech andLanguage Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Prentice Hall.

Kendon, Adam. (1990). Conducting Interaction: Patterns of behavior in focused encounters. Cambridge University Press.

Kronfeld, Amichai. (1989). "Conversationally Relevant Descriptions". Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 60-67.

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Moser, Megan & Moore, Johanna. (1995). "Investigating Cue Selection and Placement in Tutorial Discourse". Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 130-135. 

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Pelachaud, C.; Badler, N.; Steedman, M.; (1994). "Generating Facial Expressions for Speech". Cognitive Science, 1994.

Pierrehumbert, Janet & Hirschberg, Julia (1990). "The Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse". Intentions in Communication (Cohen, Morgan, Pollack, eds). MIT Press.

Polanyi, Livia. (1989) Telling the American Story. MIT Press. 

Prevost, Scott & Steedman, Mark. (1993). "Generating Contextually Appropriate Intonation". Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 332-340. 

Prevost, Scott. (1996). "Modeling Contrast in the Generation and Synthesis of Spoken Language." Proceedings of ICSLP (Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing).

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Schiffrin, Deborah. (1987). Discourse Markers. Cambridge University Press.

Schiffrin, Deborah (1994). Approaches to Discourse. Blackwell Publishers.

Stone, M. (1997). "Applying Theories of Communicative Action in Generation Using Logic Programming". Proceedings of the AAAI Fall 1997 Symposium on Communicative Action in Humans and Machines

Walker, M.; Cahn, J.; Whittaker, S. (1996). "Linguistic Style Improvisation for Lifelike Computer Characters". Proceedings of AAAI96 Workshop on AI, Alife and Entertainment.

Walker, M.; Litman, D.; Kamm, C. and Abella, A. (1997). "PARADISE: A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents". Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the ACL and 8th European Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL, 7-12 July Madrid, pp. 271-280.

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