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My teaching is an extension of my interests in social inequality and is a form of both scholarship and activism. I do not mean by this emphasis that I advocate for any particular ideology. Rather, I facilitate a process where students can critically reflect on social issues, build their capacity for research and analysis using social theory and social scientific research methods, and then move to conscious and thoughtful personal action in the name of social change.

Sample Student Projects:

I love working with students and community groups on creative projects that inspire individual & institutional transformation. Here are some examples:

1) I recently mentored a group of students to produce a short film and curriculum guide for the Safe Schools Coalition. The film, Alone, Together, tells stories of kids who have been bullied with handmade shadowpuppets.

2) As an extension of my course, "The Politics of Sexuality Education", my students and I and the Office of Student Affairs produced a Sexual Health Fair for the campus and community of UWB.

3) In my class, "Multi-Media Storytelling for Social Transformation," my students worked in groups to create "wiki" webpages around 5 social topics. These webpages include videos created by the students, research statements, and other resources. You can see their work here: Water Today; War on Drugs; The Cost of Health; Substance Use and Addiction; and Take Charge-Empowering Youth!