Public Speaking
I enjoy speaking with a variety of audiences about topics related to sexuality, inequality, culture, and social justice. Below is a select list of upcoming & recent public lectures, workshops, and events.
Recent talks, workshops, & conferences
- “Building communities of (im)possibility: transgender sex workers & structural (re)humanization.”Sexual Cultures 2. University of Sunderland, London campus, UK. April 2015.
- Panel on women of color in academia. Race & Pedagogy conference, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, Sept. 2014.
- Invited speaker for Gender and Sexuality conference. Clarkston University. Pottsdam, NY. Oct 25-26, 2013.
- Invited speaker for session on childhood and commodification. American Sociological Association. New York, NY. Aug. 2013.
- Beyond the Carceral State: Queer, Feminist, and Anti-Racist Critiques & Interventions (a mini-conference). Co-organizer. UWB, May 14, 2013.
- "From Prosecution to Empowerment: Human Trafficking and Promoting the Rights of Migrants." One day conference; invited speaker for panel of sex work. University of Southern California, Davidson Conference Center. Sat. Feb. 2, 2013.
- Innovation Forum. Workshop on story design and Hollywood films about exotic dancers.UWB. Feb. 11.
- Society for the Study of Social Problems,“Assessing the Social Context of Transgender Sex Workers: Toward a Human Rights Policy Approach.” Denver, CO, Aug. 2012.
- American Sociological Association mini-conference, “Crossing Boundaries, Workshopping Sexualities.“Reframing Trafficking.” ” Denver, CO, Aug. 2012.
- University of Michigan, Sociology Dept., Gender & Sexuality workshop, March 14, 2012.
- Cal Poly Pomona Symposium on "The Paradoxes of Social Justice." Pomona, CA. Feb. 9, 2012.
- Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences Research Colloqium, UWB. Oct. 4, 2011. "Using Human Rights to hold the US Accountable for its Anti-Sex-Trafficking Agenda: The Universal Periodic Review & New Directions for US Policy."
- Gender Odyssey Conference. Seattle Washington. Workshop co-facilitator on transgender and Genderqueer sex workers. Aug 6, 2011.
- University of Washington, School of Law. Invited panel on Sex Work. “Introducing Human Rights to the Anti-Trafficking Agenda: The Universal Periodic Review & New Directions for US Policy.” May 9, 2011.
- Pacific Sociology Association. "From Punishment & Salvation to Human Rights: Sex Workers and the United Nations take on the US State Dept.” March 12, 2011, Seattle, WA.
- Dept. of Social and Behavioral Sciences colloquia, UCSF. "Can Sex Workers have Rights in the context of 'sex slaves' and the 'sexualization of girls'?" Feb. 24, 2011.
- Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, UCSF. "Introducing Human Rights to the Anti-Sex-Trafficking Agenda: Sex Worker Activists and the United Nations take on the US State Dept." Feb. 16, 2011.
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Western Region. Plenary Speaker (with Shari Dworkin). "Bad Girls Rule: How the "Sexualization of Girls" Discourse Ignores Sexual Health & Justice." Palm Springs, CA. April 10, 2010.
- Girls Rock! Seattle. Workshop leader: "Body & Identity Portraits: Women in the Music Industry.” (with Faith Simonelli). Seattle, WA. July 29-30, 2010.
- HIV/AIDS Program, Public Health-Seattle & King County. “Male Sex Workers: Toward a Sexual Health and Sexual Rights Approach.” Seattle, WA. July 29, 2010.
Recent media
- New York Times. Sept. 21, 2013. Quoted in "Intimacy on the Web, with a Crowd."
- Insight Magazine. Autumn 2012. UW Bothell's newsletter for Alumni and Friends "Faculty spotlight." Pp. 8-9.
- KPLU radio (88.5 FM). Interviewed for story on "Exploring the limits of privacy at the Henry art gallery's 'Talent show.'" June 17, 2011.
- ACLU press conference. Prepared and Read statement on behalf of Safe Schools Coalition regarding the ACLU case of Russell Dickerson II. Seattle, WA. Dec. 7, 2010. To see story click here.
- KBCS radio (91.3 FM). Panelist on Voices of Diversity. Topic: "Bullying and Harassment." (to see/hear story, click here and scroll down to NOV. 17, 2010).
- KUOW radio (94.9 FM, NPR affiliate). Guest commentator on the topic of “What is the Future of Adult Entertainment in Seattle?” July 23, 2009.