Más READING . . . online & otherwise
2000. "Fair or Free Trade - The Facts" The New Internationalist (April).

Abell, John D. 1999. "The Neoliberal World Order: The View from the Highlands of Guatemala," NACLA 33(1): 37-41.

Bates, Robert H. 1997. Open-Economy Politics: The Political Economy of the World Coffee Trade, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.

Collier, Robert and Louis Freedberg.  2001. "Mourning coffee.  World's leading java companies are raking in high profits but growers worldwide face ruin as prices sink to historic low," San Francisco Chronicle (May 20, 2001).

Dicum, Gregory, and Nina Luttinger. 1999. The Coffee Book: Anatomy of an Industry from Crop to the Last Drop, The Bazaar Book Series. New York: The New Press.

Fairtrade Foundation. 1997. "Spilling the Beans" (www.fairtrade.org.uk/spilling1.htm), 9/18/01.

Freedberg, Louis. 2001.  "Coffee BREWING A CHEAPER CUP. Coffee quality takes a dive as beans glut the world market," San Francisco Chronicle (August 5, 2001).

Giovannucci, Daniele. 2001. Sustainable Coffee Survey of the North American Specialty Coffee Industry ~ July 2001. Conducted for: The Summit Foundation,  The Nature Conservancy, North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Specialty Coffee Association of America, and The World Bank.  (Link is to the SCAA homepage, scroll down or search site to find downloadable PDF version of the report.)

Grimes, Kimberley, and B. Lynne Milgram. 2000. Artisans and Cooperatives: Developing Alternative Trade for the Global Economy, Tucson, AZ.: The University of Arizona Press.

Grossman, Julie. 2001. "Mountain Groan," Resource Center of the Americas, 6 March.

James, Deborah. 2000. "Justice and Java: Coffee in a Fair Trade Market," NACLA 34 (2):11-14.

Lappe, Frances Moore and Anna Lappe. 2002. "Stirring the Sleeping Giant: Holland, Central America and the US Fair Trade Movement" (Chpt 9) in Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet, Tarcher/Putnam.

O'Brien, Chris. 2002. "2002 Report on Fair Trade Trends in the US & Canada," Washington, DC: The Fair Trade Federation.

Oxfam GB. 2001. "Bitter Coffee: How the Poor are Paying for the Slump in Coffee Prices". (Link is to an overview, but you can download the whole document from this page.)

Oxfam. 2002. "Mugged: Poverty in Your Coffee Cup". (Link is to an overview, but you can download the whole document from this page.)

Paige, Jeffery. 1997. Coffee and Power: Revolution and the rise of democracy in Central America, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Pendergrast, Mark. 1999. Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World, Basic Books. 

Ransom, David. 2001. The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade, The New Internationalist Publishing and Between the Lines.

Renard, Marie-Christine. 1999. "The Interstices of Globalization: The Example of Fair Coffee," Sociologia Ruralis, 39(4): 484-500.

Rice, Robert A. and Justin R. Ward. 1996. Coffee, Conservation, and Commerce in the Western Hemisphere: How Individuals and Institutions Can Promote Ecologically Sound Farming and Forest Management in Northern Latin America. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Rothstein, Richard. 1996. "The Starbucks Solution: Can voluntary codes raise global living standards?" The American Prospect, July-August, 27: 36-43.

Sick, Deborah. 1999. Farmers of the Golden Bean: Costa Rican Households and the Global Coffee Economy, Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press.

Smith, Michael D. 1996. "The Empire Filters Back: Consumption, Production and the Politics of Starbucks Coffee" Urban Geography, 17(6), 502-524.

Tallontire, Anne.  2001. "Do fair trade partnerships work?" ID21 (DFID), 13 February.

Waridel, Laure. 2002. Coffee with Pleasure: Just Java and World Trade, Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Williams, Robert. 1994. States and Social Evolution: Coffee and the rise of national governments in Central America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Whatmore, S. and Thorne, L. 1997. "Nourishing Networks: Alternative Geographies of Food."  In Globalising Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring. D. Goodman and M. Watts, eds. London: Routledge.