Geography 230
Urbanization in Developing Nations
Winter 2000

Hints for Effective Reading

You should be able to:

Following are some general questions you should keep in mind while doing your reading:

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THE ARTICLE OR CHAPTER?  What, where and who is the article about?

WHAT IS THE CENTRAL CONTROVERSY OR QUESTIONS BEING ADDRESSED?  Look for statements that summarize debates/issues and sentences that contain statements such as "the aim of this article is…"/"I aim to…".

WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT OR CENTRAL ARGUMENT?  Try to verbalize what you think is the take home message of the article then write it down in your own words.

WHAT EVIDENCE DOES THE AUTHOR PRESENT?  Data, trends, personal research etc…Perhaps they don’t use any visible evidence at all, so what upon what do they base their arguments?

These are guidelines only. You should think specifically about the issues raised in lecture and how they relate to the assigned reading. Particularly think about the following: