Department of Economics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3330
Phone: (206) 543-5632
Fax: (206)685-7477
Ph.D. in Economics
University of California at Berkeley
May 1990.
B.A. and M.A. in Economics
University of Liege (Belgium)
July 1984.
Castor Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
University of Washington
European Centre for Advanced
Research in Economics and Statistics
Brussels (Belgium)
1993 - present
"Honest Agents in a Corrupt Equilibrium,"accepted at the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, (with Alex Henke and Fahad Khalil).
"Competitive Procurement with Ex Post Moral Hazard," in the Rand Journal of Economics, 2021 (with Indranil Chakraborty and Fahad Khalil).
"Learning from Failures: Optimal Contracts for Experimentation and Production," in the Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 190, 2020 (with Fahad Khalil and Alexander Rodivilov).
"Use it or Lose it," in the Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2019, (with Fahad Khalil and Doyoung Kim).
"Private Monitoring, Collusion and the Timing of Information," in the Rand Journal of Economics, 2015 (with Fahad Khalil and Troy Scott).
"Contracts Offered by Bureaucrats," in the Rand Journal of Economics, volume 44, issue 4, 2013 (with Fahad Khalil and Doyoung Kim).
"State-of-the-Art of Electricity Price Forecasting in a Grid Environment ," in the Handbook of Power Systems, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012 (with Guang Li and Chen-Ching Liu).
"Bribery vs. Extortion: Allowing the Lesser of Two Evils," in the Rand Journal of Economics, Volume 41, Issue 1, Spring 2010 (with Fahad Khalil and Sungho Yun).
"On the Information Gathering Role of Firm-Sponsored Training for New Hires," in the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume 165, Number 2, June 2009 (with Doyoung Kim).
"Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting in a Grid Environment," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2007 (with Guang Li, Chen-Ching Liu, Chris Mattson).
" Incentives for corruptible auditors in the absence of commitment ," in the Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 54, no. 2, June 2006 (with Fahad Khalil).
"State-of-the-art of electricity price forecasting" in CIGRE/IEEE PES, October 2005 (with Guang Li, Chen-Ching Liu, M. Gallanti and A.Venturini).
"Organizational Flexibility and Co-operative Task Allocation among Agents," in the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 161, Issue 4, 2005 (with Dongsoo Shin).
"Exit Option in Hierarchical Agency," in the International Journal of Industrial Organization Vol. 22, Issue 8-9, 2004 (with Doyoung Kim and Dongsoo Shin).
"Optimization Techniques for Available Transfer Capability (ATC) and Market Calculations," in the Journal of Management Mathematics, Vol. 15, Issue 4, 2004 (with Sung-Kwan Joo, Chen-Ching Liu, Yangfang Shen and Zelda Zabinsky).
"Global Optimization in an Electricity Market Environment," in Proceedings IEEE PowerTech, Bologna, 2003, (with Chen-Ching Liu, Yanfang Shen and Zelda Zabinsky).
"Risk Assessment in Energy Trading," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 18 , Issue 2 , May 2003, (with Robert Dahlgreen and Chen-Ching Liu).
"The Structure of Inshore Cooperatives and the Distribution of Net Benefits under the American Fisheries Act," in the Proceedings of the North American Fishery Economics Forum, 2003 (with Robert Halvorsen and Fahad Khalil).
"Hedging with Futures Contracts in a Deregulated Electricity Industry," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, volume 17, Issue 3, Aug 2002 (with Eva Tanlapco and Chen-Ching Liu).
"A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation," (in French), in Greffe Xavier, Jerome Lallement and Michel de Vroey (eds.) Dictionnaire des Grandes Oeuvres Economiques, Paris, Dalloz, 2002.
"Nash Equilibrium Strategies in a Bilateral Electricity Market, " in IEEE Transactions on Power System, volume 17, Issue 1, February 2002, (with Chen-Ching Liu and Haili Song).
"Catching the Agent on the Wrong Foot: Ex Post Choice of Monitoring,", in the Journal of Public Economics, vol.82, pp.327-347, 2001, (with Fahad Khalil).
"Volatility in the California Power Market: Source, Methodology and Recommendations," in IEE Proceedings Transm. Distrib., vol.148(2), March 2001, (with Chen-Ching Liu and Robert Dahlgren).
"Corruption in Organizations", (in French), in B. Jurion and P.Pestieau, eds., Finances Publiques, Finances Priv�es, Liege University Press, 2000
"Optimal Electricity Supply Bidding by Markov Decision Process," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 15, Issue 2, May 2000, (with Haili Song, Chen-Ching Liu and Robert Dahlgren).
"Analysis of Electricity Market Rules and their Effects on Strategic Behavior in a Noncongestive Grid," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 15, Issue 1, February 2000, (with Karl Seeley and Chen-Ching Liu).
"New Methods for Electric Energy Contract Decision aking," in Proceedings of International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2000, (with Chen-Ching Liu, Haili Song and Robert Dahlgren).
"Financial Risk Management in a Competitive Electricity Market," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 14, Issue 4 , November 1999, (with Roger Bjorgan and Chen-Ching Liu).
"Using Market Simulation to Manage Price Risk in a Centrally Cleared Market," in Proceedings of the Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting IEEE, Volume 2, 1999, (with R. Dahlgren and C.C. Liu).
"Coupling Market Clearing with Congestion Management to Prevent Strategic Bidding," in Proceedings of the Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting IEEE, Volume 2, 1999, (with Karl Seeley and Chen-Ching Liu).
"Decision Making of an Electricity Supplier's Bid in a Spot Market," in Proceedings of the Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting IEEE, Volume 2, 1998, (with Haili Song and Chen-Ching Liu).
"Optimal Contract, Imperfect Output Observation and Limited Liability," in the Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 71 (2), pp 514-531, November 1996 (with Marc Van Audenrode).
"On the Optimality of Allowing Collusion," in the Journal of Public Economics, vol. 61, pp. 383-407, 1996 (with Alfredo Kofman).
"A Prisoner's Dilemma Model of Collusion Deterrence," in the Journal of Public Economics, vol. 59 (1), pp. 117-136, January 1996 (with Alfredo Kofman).
"Input Monitoring versus Output Monitoring: Who is the Residual Claimant," in the Journal of Economic Theory, vol.66 (1), pp.139-157, June 1995 (with Fahad Khalil).
"Collusive Auditors, " in The American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), vol.85(2), pp. 442-446, May 1995 (with Fahad Khalil).
"Collusion in Hierarchical Agency", in Econometrica, vol.61 (3), pp. 629-656, May 1993 (with Alfredo Kofman).
"Cost Observation, Auditing and Limited Liability", in Economics Letters, vol.39, pp. 419-423, August 1992 (with Marc Van Audenrode).
"Managerial Incentives in Public Firms", (in French), in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy, vol. 61(4), pp.469-488, December 1990.
"Collusion and Audit of Public Firms", (in French), in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy, vol. 60(2), pp.217-227, April-June 1989.
"Productivity, Cost and
Technological Characteristics of Belgian Urban Transportation Firms", (in
French), in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy, Vol. 58(4),
pp.369-396, December 1987 (with B. Thiry).
Also published as "Analyse des Coûts et de la Productivité des
Sociétés de Transports Urbains par l'Estimation de Fonctions de Coût", in B.Thiry and H.Tulkens (Editors), La Performance Economique des Sociétés Belges
de Transports Urbains, CIRIEC Editions, Liege (Belgium), 1988.
"An Empirical Comparison of the Performance of Public and Private Firms: The Case of Refuse Collection in Belgium", (in French), in Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 109, pp.3-31, 1986.