Group project information

Updated 14 November - KL




For the company or topic selected, perform a "critical analysis" consisting of problem statement, identification of alternatives, analysis of "pros and cons" of these alternatives, and recommendations (with rationale). The submission requirements are:


¥ Monday, November 22: (due by beginning of class): submit to me via e-mail attachment a 1-page executive summary interim report. I will post this on Blackboard.


¥ Presentation (per schedule)


¥ On day of presentation, submit to me via e-mail attachment your presentation. (Due by 9 a.m.) I will post this on Blackboard.


¥ Wednesday, December 8: Final paper due, both hard copy and e-mail attachment.


Report criteria


1. Writing criteria include clarity, precision, and organization. For example:


a. The report should begin by identifying the topic and purpose, explaining why the topic is important, and indicating how the purpose will be achieved.


b. The report should be organized so that the analysis is carried out logically and that it is always clear to the reader how any given section is contributing to the report as a whole (Hierarchical section headings can help to achieve this.)


c. The report should end with a summarization of findings/conclusions.


d. Each paragraph should have a single main idea that is expressed in a topic sentence. (Don't change topics in the middle of a paragraph).


2. The critical analysis should reflect both an understanding of material from this course and research conducted for the project


3. Any information that is not truly common knowledge must be cited appropriately. Plagiarism assignment located at 


4. The report must use a standard format for citations and references, although I am indifferent as to which style you use specifically. Please refer to


Report guidelines (These are suggestions, not criteria for evaluation.)


1. Length of approximately 10 pages of text. This does not including figures, tables, and reference list. (Please remember this is a guideline only. I welcome shorter or longer reports.)


2. 12 point font; single-spaced; 1 inch margins


3. APA format




1. 15 minutes for presentation - time limit will be enforced strictly. (There will be 10-15 minutes for follow up questions for each presentation.)


2. Each group member must present.


3. Make the presentation valuable for the class. Remember that one purpose is for your presentation that will contribute to everyone's learning by supplementing other course material.


4. Limit introductory/background material to what is necessary to understand and support your analysis. For example, a company history is probably unnecessary.


General note


Distinguish between "objective" sources and those advocating a particular point of view. This is particularly important for any company-generated information, including interviews. For example, do not accept statements such as "we are the technology leader" on face value.