The Current Situation

With regard to the situation today, we have a network of bottini that are perfectly functional within and near the city, even though there are some that are completely coated with calcites (like Fontanella), the water arrives at the fountains in the required quantities and much of it is lost because it is not used. For this reason the city has allowed the continued use of the water along its route by various entities like the Campo School, the Computing Center of the Monte dei Paschi, the workshops of the Nanini Conca d'Oro cafe, the stadium, etc.) But in so far as the zone north of the city (especially in the areas of Uopini, Mazzafonda, San Dalmazio, and Peragna), there has been much damage as the result of infiltration of water from above, the penetration of roots from vegetation overhead, the lack of maintenance and the accumulation of mud in the water channel, and the widening of the adjacent walkways, there have been and continue to be little cave-ins, that together with the damage resulting from throwing refuse into the inspection wells, make the present situation not very encouraging.

The bottini, without adequate repairs, are at risk of being interrupted and of becoming filled in, which has already happened in some places rendering certain branches impassible. Many sections have frequently had need of minor maintenance, which until 1994 was almost impossible to schedule, because the city's skilled personnel, the so-called bottinieri, numbered only two, and they had the additional duties of guiding tours of the underground system. It is on this point that our Association can provide assistance: it offers, through its volunteer members, time, care, and active collaboration to make this almost unique marvel better known through visits to local schools; through practical assistance to the bottinieri and specialized contractors in cases where they decide that they can make use of volunteer labor to perform the work needed to preserve sections at risk, and to attempt a long-term project of mapping all the existing fountains and tunnels as the first stage of a long range preservation plan; to act as guides and accommodate the numerous requests by groups who wish to visit the bottini but who had been constrained to long waits by the lack of bottinieri.

All of these activities stem from pure love toward Siena, toward the fountains and the bottini, because from them, as well as from hidden arteries, comes the water, more than any other element the symbol of life, that has shaped the life of an entire population and which is the basis for the development of the human race, towards which we hope that people may become more sensitive to its fundamental role in our lives and accord it the respect it deserves.