Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
PerkinElmer Lambda-18 dual-beam spectrophotometer:
This instrument has been used to generation conventional absorbance spectra in the range from 180 to 900 nm. Its high spectrophotometric sensitivity and stability allow generating data that have sufficiently high quality for use in differential absorbance and related applications.
PerkinElmer LS-50B fluorimeter:
This unit has a pulsed high pressure xenon optical source for fluorescence excitation. It has been used for measurements of fluorescence spectra of mostly aqueous solutions, typically surface waters and wastewater. It is capable of generating emission, excitation and synchronous spectra as well as tree-dimensional excitation/emission matrixes (but it is not optimal for the latter option). In some cases it can generate time-resolved fluorescence data, for example for some rare earth ions.
Shimazu TOC-Vcsh carbon analyzer with a TNM-1 unit for dissolved nitrogen:
This is a workhorse of our analytical activities. It is used to determine concentrations of inorganic and organic carbon in a vast variety of environmental samples, for instance in surface water and groundwater. It can also determine concentrations of total nitrogen in these samples but does not provide information on its speciation.
Dionex IC-3000 HPLC chromatograph:
This advanced instrument is available for the determination of concentrations of inorganic anions (e.g., fluoride, chloride, nitrate etc.), carboxylic acids, amino acids and carbohydrates. The sensitivity in most analyses is expected to be on the level of a few µg/l or less. This instrument has one conductivity and one electrochemical detector.
Brookhaven Instruments BI-MAS particle size and ZetaPlus potential analyzer:
This laser diffraction and scattering-based unit has been utilized to measure electrophoretic potentials of suspended particles at varying solution chemistries. It can also measure particles size distributions for solids with apparent sizes from < 100 nm to a few nm.
Shimadzu SALD particle size analyzer:
This unit allows measuring particles size distributions for particles with sizes as high as 0.1 mm.