Syllabus contents:

Course Description

Grading Policy

Required Readings

Other Items


CLASS CEE 485, Fall Quarter 2005
Environmental Engineering Chemistry


Instructor: Gregory Korshin
Office: More Hall 305
Office Hours: TTh 1.30-2.30 PM
e-mail: korshin@u.washington.edu
Phones: 206 543 2394

Class Meeting and Location:
MWF 8.30-9.20 AM More Hall 226

Course Description

To adequately quantify the properties of the environment, it is necessary to understand the underlying chemical and transport processes. Although these processes are frequently extremely complex, there are several major principles that define what is important and what is not. We will use these principles to explore concrete examples and systems in the class.

Because almost all environmental processes involve water, we will predominantly focus on processes in aqueous media, but the behavior of more complex systems that include gaseous and solid phases in contact with aqueous solutions will also be explored.

The goal of this course is three-fold. First, it is to learn the fundamentals of environmental engineering chemistry and its applications to real-world engineering problems. Second, it is to learn how to use them to model concrete systems. Third, it is to gain knowledge about the most environmentally-important compounds and systems. 

In sum, this course will be useful for all interested in civil, environmental and chemical engineering, environmental monitoring and possibly health sciences.


·                    Working knowledge of the fundamentals of chemistry (e.g., properties of the elements in the major groups of the periodic table, basics of the electronic theory, basic of chemical reactions and their stoichiometry).

·                 Mathematical skills (linear equations and their systems, derivatives, differential equations).

·                   Knowledge of Excel

What you will learn

o                    Fundamental principles governing processes in different compartments of the environment (surface water, subsurface environment, atmosphere).

o                     How to determine major physico-chemical components of environmental systems

o                    What are the properties of major and minor contributing species

o                    What are the interactions between them and how to quantify involved equilibria and kinetics.

o                    How to predict and model generation, transport and fate of typical environmental contaminants

Major units

Unit 1. Basic concepts. Chemical concentrations. Mass balances. Physical transport. Fundamentals of environmental chemistry. Chemical reactions and equilibria. Fundamentals of kinetics and transport. 

Unit 2. Processes in surface waters. Water quality parameters. Pollutants. Physical transport in surface waters. Air-water exchange. Acid-base and redox chemistry. Dissolved oxygen and phosphorus in surface waters. Biotransformation and biodegradation. Abiotic transformations

Unit 3. Processes in the subsurface environment. Nature of the subsurface zone and physics of water movement. Transport in the unsaturated zone. Capture zones. Non-aqueous phase liquids. Retardation and biodegradation

Topic 4. Processes in the atmosphere. Properties of the atmosphere and pollutants. Atmospheric stability and circulation. Physico-chemical processes in the atmosphere. NOx, acid rain and ozone depletion. Green house effect.

Topic 5. Modeling of environmental processes. Nature of modeling. Deterministic and stochastic modeling. Components of models. Monte-Carlo modeling (Crystal Ball software). Transitions between solid phases.

Topic 6. Development of models for selected environmental systems. Formation of halogenated compounds in drinking water. Release of heavy metals and estimation of body burden. Steady-state simulation of  oxygen and phosphorus levels in surface waters. Simulation of degradation of endocrine disruptors.


Grading Policy

Homework         40%

Pop quizzes         5%

Midterm exam   20%

Final exam         35%



Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment. Harold F. Hemond, Elizabeth J. Fechner-Levy.  Academic Press, 2000. 

Class notes. 


Other Items

Academic Dishonesty

All current regulation accepted at University of Washington will be enforced. Cheating and plagiarism will result in penalties such as failure and a note attached to your academic records (may be carried with the file to future references including professional and graduate, employers).

Disabled students

If you would like to request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, (206) 543-8924 (V/TTY). If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to me so we can discuss the accommodations you might need for the class.

Other notes

No food or drink in the class. No newspapers, magazines or other irrelevant literature either.



 Last Updated:

Contact the instructor at: korshin@u.washington.edu