Images from Hitchcock's Films
Button--HomeImage of Mrs. Danvers
Button--ScheduleImage from Vertigo
Button--HomeworkImage of Hitchcock
Button--MaterialsImage from Strangers on a Train
Button--RequirementsImage from North by Northwest
Button--EssaysImage of Grace Kelly in Rear Window
Button--GradingImage from Rebecca
Button--LinksImage from Strangers on a Train

Class: MWF 11:30-12:20
Location: Chemistry Library 21

Contact: K. Gillis-Bridges
Office: Padelford A-16
Phone: 543-4892
Office Hours: TTh 10:30-11:30
and by appointment 

Page updated 1/21/00
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Criteria for Practice Peer Critique

Students in English 197C identified the following elements of successful cinema studies papers:

Convey a sense of audience

Show preparation on the part of the writer

  • time spent on developing ideas
  • knowledge of film terminology
  • multiple viewings with notes taken during the viewings
  • typically an argument
  • elements in the paper support the thesis
  • description of scene or element from film
  • summary, paraphrase, or quotation from book
Analysis vs. Judgment
  • paper analyzes film instead of calling it "good" or "bad"
Vivid language and precise language
  • picturing the scene in words, using precise language to do so
Grammar and Mechanics
  • do not impede the reader's understanding of the argument
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