Images from Hitchcock's Films
Button--HomeImage of Mrs. Danvers
Button--ScheduleImage from Vertigo
Button--HomeworkImage of Hitchcock
Button--MaterialsImage from Strangers on a Train
Button--RequirementsImage from North by Northwest
Button--EssaysImage of Grace Kelly in Rear Window
Button--GradingImage from Rebecca
Button--LinksImage from Strangers on a Train

Class: MWF 11:30-12:20
Location: Chem. Library 21

Contact: K. Gillis-Bridges
Office: Padelford A-16
Phone: 543-4892
Office Hours: TTh 10:30-11:30
and by appointment 

Page updated 2/22/00
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Homework Assignment 5: Brainstorming List for Essay #2

For the second essay assignment, Dr. Bean plans to offer three topic options:

1) An examination of two formal resolution scenes selected from the following films:  Rear Window, North by Northwest, Strangers on a Train, or Psycho.  Writers will question whether these endings resolve the questions raised by the films and analyze how the resolutions relate to the larger narrative form of the selected films.

2) A discussion of the motif of vision or looking in several films, with an emphasis on Rear Window, Vertigo, or Psycho.

3) A topic proposed by the student.  Such topics must be written up and approved by Dr. Bean or another member of the teaching staff.

On Friday, February 25, we will begin brainstorming approaches to the first two topics.   Please bring the following to class:

  • A list of 3-4 potential arguments you could make about the motif of looking or the resolution scene in one of the films listed.  After each argument, cite evidence you could use to prove your point.  
  • A note about which of the topics you think you may pursue for Essay #2.  If you plan to propose a topic, let me know what you want to write about.  
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