Images from Hitchcock's Films
Button--HomeImage of Mrs. Danvers
Button--ScheduleImage from Vertigo
Button--HomeworkImage of Hitchcock
Button--MaterialsImage from Strangers on a Train
Button--RequirementsImage from North by Northwest
Button--EssaysImage of Grace Kelly in Rear Window
Button--GradingImage from Rebecca
Button--LinksImage from Strangers on a Train

Class: MWF 11:30-12:20
Location: Chem. Library 21

Contact: K. Gillis-Bridges
Office: Padelford A-16
Phone: 543-4892
Office Hours: TTh 10:30-11:30
and by appointment

Page updated 2/14/00
Comments or inquiries


Criteria for Peer Critique of Web Project Drafts

Students in English 197C decided that we should work toward the following goals in revising individual  Web pages.  In analyzing one another's Web pages, students will note both strengths (cookies) and weaknesses.  An effective Web page should have the following elements or perform the following functions:

Analysis instead of plot summary

Thesis that presents an argument

Originality or freshness

  • page tells the reader something new about the film
  • content of page advances the thesis
  • page fits within overall site
Integration of elements on page
  • marriage between text, images, sound, and video
  • thesis is developed with evidence that writer interprets
  • page offers balance between analysis and evidence from film
Analysis vs. Judgment
  • paper analyzes film instead of calling it "good" or "bad"
Preparation on the part of the writer
  • time spent on developing ideas
  • knowledge of film terminology
  • multiple viewings with notes taken during the viewings
Color, font style, and links serve a purpose
  • these elements reinforce the page's and the site's themes
Aesthetically pleasing
  • font is readable
  • page/site is easy to navigate
Exciting style
  • writer expresses ideas with vivid language
Grammar and Mechanics
  • do not impede the reader's understanding of the argument
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