MWF 11:30-12:20
Chem. Library 21
Padelford A-16
Hours: TTh 10:30-11:30
by appointment
updated 2/3/00
or inquiries
What does it mean to read,
think, and write as a film scholar? In English 197C, we will explore
this question, drawing in part on the lectures and readings for Comparative
Literature 271. The goal of English 197C is to help students critically
read films, conduct research, develop arguments, evaluate their own writing
as well as that of their colleagues, and use feedback to revise their drafts.
Students will also learn to analyze cinema studies course materials for
cues as to the underlying assumptions of assignments, the nature of the
audience addressed, the beliefs about what counts as evidence, and the
characteristic ways of building arguments in the discipline.
Class activities in the writing
link reflect the importance of writing as a means of learning. Students
will write to think through particular issues or problems as well as to
articulate what they already know. Students will do much of this
writing as homework assignments that may include analyses of films and
readings, development of group presentations, and short pieces leading
to a longer paper.
English 197C uses a workshop
format, with students sharing their ideas and writing in small groups and
with the full class. In addition to regular class meetings, students
will also attend individual conferences with the instructor on each major
Although English 197C shares
some texts and assignments with Comparative Literature 271, the writing
class has separate reading, discussion, presentation, and writing tasks.
To do well in English 197C, however, you will need to keep up with cinema
studies course lectures, discussions, films, and readings. I will
attend lectures and meet with cinema studies course staff, but you serve
as the primary link between the courses.
My role in the writing course
is to provide the tools and resources you will need to advance your own
thinking about film through your writing. I will pose questions,
design activities to help you think through those questions, and respond
to the substance of what you write. Your role is to do the hard work—the
critical readings, analyses, and research. You will generate ideas,
evaluate evidence, and construct arguments relevant to issues raised in
the cinema studies course. You will revise your papers until they
are as good as you can make them.