Title Image: Materials

Midterm Exam


I will screen five clips two times each.  You will then select three clips on which to write two- to four-paragraph analyses.  In each analysis, select one or two formal components to discuss (narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing).  Make and support an argument about why these elements are significant to the clip.  How do aspects of narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, and/or editing define characters and the relationship between them, convey themes, set up key parallels, etc.?   How do visual and narrative codes communicate specific ideologies regarding technology or depict technology and its effects on individuals as well as groups?  Please note that you need not address all the questions posed above; they are designed to help you formulate an argument about the significance of the clip.  Also note that, for the most part, sound does not represent a viable category for analysis, as only Modern Times includes a soundtrack produced with the film.

You will have approximately 20-25 minutes to compose each short commentary.

Exam Grading

Each analysis will be worth twenty points. I will focus on the following areas when grading the exam. Exams that fall in the A range excel in all criteria; exams that fall in the B, C, and D range exhibit problems in one or more categories. F-range exams represent another author’s work as the writer’s own, do not address discuss formal elements in any significant manner, or simply summarize the clip.

  • Thesis: Clip discussion contains a defendable, clearly explained thesis that supported in the body of the analysis.
  • Complexity: The analysis exhibits depth, fullness, and complexity of thought.
  • Organization: Clip discussions have a logical structure, with each point connected to the previous and following points; the writer doesn’t simply relate her thoughts about the clip, but shapes the analysis around the main argument.
  • Development: The writer supports his arguments with persuasive reasoning and well-chosen references to the clip; there is an appropriate balance between providing evidence and analyzing that evidence.
  • Clarity: The writer expresses ideas clearly.

Point Ranges

  • A Range: 53-60 points
  • B Range: 38-52 points
  • C Range: 23-37 points
  • D Range: 11-36 points
  • F Range: 0-11 points 


Page last updated 3/5/07
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