Visual Factsheet Grading


Together, the visual PSA and factsheet:

  • Effectively appeal to logos, pathos and ethos
  • Have clear links to each other—the visual PSA is rooted in evidence presented on factsheet and factsheet expands upon the visual PSA’s message and action
  • Are tailored to intended audience(s) in terms of language, content, choice of modes, and tone of visuals and linguistic information
  • Explore a relevant public service issue
  • Demonstrate research in audience characteristics (demographics, behavior, expertise, etc.) and the public service issue
  • Include all required content


The visual PSA:

  • Engages a specific audience, purpose, context and set of genre conventions
  • Communicates a clear, accurate, persuasive central issue/message and action
  • Effectively uses design elements--emphasis, contrast, organization, alignment, proximity—to create visual appeal, contribute to appeals, and underscore message and action
  • Ethically uses/modifies images incorporated from other creators


The factsheet:

  • Provides current, relevant, comprehensive information on public service issue
  • Ethically uses research data and properly cites all resources used for creating both the visual PSA and factsheet


I will use the following grade sheet to assess performance on the criteria we outlined. Note that I’ve combined some criteria to streamline the grade sheet.

General Criteria Strong Good Adequate Poor Missing












Audience awareness












Use of research












Visual PSA Criteria Strong Good Adequate Poor Missing
Attention to rhetorical situation






Message and action












Ethical image use






Factsheet Criteria Strong Good Adequate Poor Missing
Quality of information






Ethical data use and citation







  • 18-20 points: A range (3.5-4.0)
  • 13-17 points: B range (2.5-3.4)
  • 8-12 points: C range (1.5-2.4)
  • 3-7 D points: D range (.7-1.4)
  • 0-2 points: F range (0-.6)