

Length: 1250 words
Format: Website with linguistic text, images, and links
Due:  Wednesday, December 16, by 10:00 p.m. via Canvas


Required Content

For your final course project, you will create an online showcase that analyzes how your work in English 282 demonstrates achievement of course learning goals. You will also reflect on how knowledge, skills, and habits of thought developed in the course might translate into future academic or professional contexts. To support your claim, you will embed, insert screenshot images, link to, and/or discuss selected coursework. You may present anything produced for the class: short assignments, draft and revised work, peer reviews, the site redesign pitch, the visual factsheet, or the self and group assessment. You may design the showcase site any way you wish. However, your choices should reflect a clear rhetorical purpose.

Your showcase itself represents achievement of one course goal--reflecting on learning and drawing connections between coursework and out-of-class interests, life goals, and career plans. A complete list of learning goals appears on the course home page.

Optional Content

In addition to your reflective analysis, the showcase may include detailed revision plans for up to two major assignments: the site revision pitch, the site revision, the visual factsheet, and the PSA campaign. Your revision plan should include:

  • A description of your work’s rhetorical situation
  • An assessment of how aspects of your work do not effectively address the rhetorical situation
  • A full description of what revisions you would make; you may include mock-ups to illustrate your discussion
  • An explanation of how your revisions would better address the rhetorical situation

I will add a maximum of ten points to the final grade of each assignment for which you submit a revision plan.


I will use a forty-point scale and the following criteria to assess the showcase. Late work will receive a 10-point deduction per day late, including weekends and holidays. I will not accept late revision plans, as they are optional content. I will make exceptions to the lateness policy only in cases of documented illness or family emergency. Remember that technology glitches do not constitute an excuse for lateness. Please note that if you submit the showcase late, you may not receive a course grade by the UW deadline.

  • Claim: The showcase strategically employs selected modes to persuasively demonstrate fulfillment of course goals.

  • Complexity: The analysis of work exhibits depth, fullness, and complexity of thought.

  • Support: The author illustrates his/her discussion with well-chosen examples of texts produced for the course. Moreover, the author provides detailed analysis of all featured artifacts.

  • Design: Showcase features intuitive, logical navigation, incorporates a consistent color scheme, font set, and layout, and purposefully employs emphasis, contrast, organization, alignment, and proximity .

  • Completeness: The showcase includes discussion of all course goals.

  • Clarity: The author expresses ideas clearly, and linguistic text has few, if any grammatical or mechanical errors.


  • A range (3.5-4.0): 35-40 points
  • B range (2.5-3.4): 25-34 points
  • C range (1.5-2.4): 15-24 points
  • D range (.7-1.4): 7-14 points
  • F range (0-.6): 0-6 points