TOGA XBT Figures

TOGA XBT Figures

    The location of TOGA XBT profiles
  1. 1985
  2. 1986
  3. 1987
  4. 1988
  5. 1989
  6. 1990
  7. 1991
  8. 1992
  9. 1993
  10. 1994
  11. 1995
  12. 1996
  13. 1997 (partial)

  14. Profile date/lat along 165°E

  15. Profile locations along the WP track
  16. Profile date/lat along the WP track

    Some actual results

  17. Depth of 20°C along the WP track (6 month, 2° mapping scales)
  18. Depth of 20°C along the WP track (3 month, 1° mapping scales)
  19. Anomalies of 20°C depth along the WP track (3 month, 1° mapping scales)

    Stuff from the Kessler 90 XBT data set

  20. Climatology of TOPEX Ug anomalies
  21. Climatology of K90 XBT Ug
  22. Climatology of K90 XBT Ug anomalies