Work on the review article "ISV in the oceans"

Work on the review article "ISV in the oceans"

  1. Average vs median winds:
    1. Taux
    2. Tauy
    3. Vectors
    4. Mean and difference vectors
  2. COARE windspeed and SST from TAO (0°,156°E): V1   V2
  3. COARE zonal wind, zonal current(z), temperature(z) at 0°,156°E (1992)
  4. COARE windspeed and vectors: Values   Anomalies
  5. Cronin et al 2000 Fig 13
  6. Spectra: Ordinary spectra   KMW Fig 6 (pdf)   KMW Fig 6 through 2001 (pdf)
  7. ADCP sections:
    1. Moana Wave section along 155°E (ship motion aliasing): 
      1. All observations:  u   v
      2. On-station-values only:  u(z,t)   Difference
      3. On-station-values only:  u(y,z)
    2. Noroit sections Dec 92-Feb 93:
      1. Locations of sections: All   Eq detail
      2. Individual sections (z,t): 1-6   7-12   13-18
      3. Section 1 (y,z)   (On-station data only)
  8. Global intraseasonal variability:
    1. TMI SST: Variances   Ratio ISV/Interannual   Ratio ISV/Total   Intraseasonal RMS
            Indian Ocean ISV
    2. Topex: Variances   Ratio   ISV BP RMS   High-pass RMS   High-pass Ver b
            High-pass RMS annual cycle: Indian Ocean   NE Indian Ocean
  9. Intraseasonal wind speed variability in the warm pool: Values   Demeaned by climatology
  10. Levitus sections across the Indian Ocean: Temperature   Salinity   u_g
          Maps: Vectors   ug component
  11. Indian Ocean ERS winds (link)
  12. Indian Ocean TMI SST: Maps: Mean   Seasonal   Seasonal anomalies
          Time series: Equator   65°E   65°E anomalies   90°E   90°E anomalies
  13. Zonal-vertical temperatures and Tau-x along the equator (global)
  14. Quikscat intraseasonal winds at 70°-95°E, 2°S-2°N
Figures for paper:
  1. Examples of structure under WWBs (Combine two figures below)    (Add SST plots)
          COARE zonal wind, zonal current(z), temperature(z) at 0°,156°E (1992)
          1989-90 Zonal wind, zonal current(z), temperature(z) at 0°,165°E (McP et al (1992 Fig 3)
  2. Cronin et al 2000 Fig 13
  3. Le Noroit reversing jet example
  4. KMW Fig 6 (pdf)
  5. Schematic of barrier layer formation (Anderson etal 96 Fig 2)
  6. Z20 at the equator and at 140°W during 91-92
  7. OLR intraseasonal variance and the SOI
  8. TAO wind and SST during 97-98
  9. TOPEX global high-pass RMS
  10. Zonal-vertical temperatures and Tau-x along the equator (global)
A chapter on ISV in the ocean for a book on ISV edited by Bill Lau and Duane Waliser is available at my publications age.

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