TIW work with MOM4
- Mean and background conditions and a few examples:
- Meridional streamfunction
- Mean NECC: u(y,z,140°W) u(x,y,5m/75m)
- Movie of u,v,w,T at 3°N(2Mb) Still at day 50
- Maps on day 50: u,v,T Highpass
- "Eddy Velocity" over SST snapshot examples (day 280 = 7 Oct):
- Large-scale
- Details at increasing depth: 5m 25m 45m 65m
Overlays: Velocities at all depths 5m and 65m over SST
- (u,v) at 2°N,140°W Overlay observed buoy (u,v)
- See additional plots of the means in the section comparing the NCAR and Laplacian runs below.
- Distinguish v, v_geostrophic, and residual (v_ageostrophic):
- Zonal sections of v, vg, vag:
- Mean sections latitude by latitude (16 plots)
- 3°N examples:
- Mean at 3°N) Yearday 50 at 3°N
- Details (day 50): v Overlay T High-pass
Detail (day 29): u,v,T and highpass Identify "eddies"
Zonal highpass and lowpass: vg at day 50 along 3°N
Mean vg
(Lowpass fits a line to 49 x-gridpoints (30.625°long))
- Meridional sections of mean v,vg,vag: 110°W 130°W 150°W 170°W
- Mean v,vg,vag:
- Southward transport above 300m (maps of v,vg,vag)
- Meridional speed at 3°N (profiles)
- Southward transport above 300m at 3°N (section)
- Ratio of Vag to Vtot southward transport
- Winds and Ekman transport and near-surface vag:
- Taux at different longitudes
- Ekman and difference Ekman-Vag transport
- Yanai wave calculations (theory and compare MOM4):
- D.R. terms (omega/c, k, beta/omega)
- Yanai and Rossby frequency(k) (dot for present situation)
- Phase velocity Group velocity
Group velocity as a fn of (c,k)
- Example of SSH,u,v for a westward-propagating Yanai wave: (c=2.5m/s, length=-1000km, omega=24 days)
- TIW speeds from MOM4 (v at Eq): Phase Envelope
Compare January year 21 and 22: SST v
- Vertical propagation:
- (z,t) time series at 0°,120°W: MOM4 v Smoothed KE
Overlay Yanai ray path (24-day period, 1000km wavelength)
- Yanai vertical wavelength
- MOM4 RMS v (overlay Yanai raypath dz/dx)
- Pressure (DH) in MOM4 at 140°W:
RMS DH(y,t) Time series at 6.2°N, 2.5°N, 3.2°S
- Ekman divergence comparison calculations from MOM4
- NCAR viscosity run:
- Depth of zero v
(As estimated from @ngd)
- Vertical-mean near-surface poleward v (map)
- Total poleward transport (integral in x and z). Overlay Ekman
- Upwelling transport from delta-V
- Comparisons between NCAR and Laplacian viscosity runs
- Mean comparisons (also buoy obs):
- Profiles: v(2°N,140°W) u(0°,140°W)
u and v(2°N,140°W) from Buoy, MOM, POP, ADCP
- Mean u at 140°W: CCSM35 vs MOM4 lap Laplacian NCAR
- Meridional streamfunctions: NCAR Laplacian
- Time series at 2°N,140°W: u v SST
- Time series in the Laplacian run (SST,u,v): Unfiltered Zonal high-pass
- Snapshots at day 50:
T,u,v (Zonal high-pass) (x,z) section at 3°N (T,u,v,w)