Page for TMI SST work (and other PUMPish things)

Page for TMI SST work (and other PUMPish things)

Some exploratory figures made while thinking about an equatorial upwelling experiment .....
  1. Hofmuller diagrams of SST:
    1. Full TMI record-length: SST along the equator    Anomalies
    2. SST climatology along the equator    Demeaned
    3. SST along the equator (1999)    Anomalies   2000   2001   2002
    4. Anomaly time series during 1999: 4.875°S   2.375°S   Eq   2.375°N   4.875°N   
    5. High-pass time series during 1999: 4.875°S   2.375°S   Eq   2.375°N   4.875°N   
  2. Time series: 5°S-5°N, 120°W-100°W   Eq, 120°W-100°W    (Compare TAO in 5b below)
  3. TMI SST variances in frequency bands: High and low-pass   Annual cycle
  4. TAO T(z,t) (110°W): Eq values.   Anomalies: 5°S   5°S   Eq   2°N   5°N   
  5. Compare TAO vs satellite SST and winds:
    1. Check TAO vs ERS wind: Zonal   Meridional   Windspeed
    2. Check TAO vs TMI SST at 0°, 110°W: Values   Differences
  6. Maps showing 1999 warming: 
    1. TMI SST: Values   Anomalies
    2. ERS windspeed: Values    Anomalies
  7. TAO T and wind time series at 0°,110°W: Winds   Add SST   Compare Uwnd vs d(SST)/dt
  8. ADCP velocities at 0°, 110°W during 1999: u values   v values   u anomalies   u and v at 35m   

See these other pages for more work:
  • PUMP main page
  • Some PUMP model work (bryan)
  • Other PUMP work (morePUMP)

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