Reconciling divergent perspectives: observations

Reconciling divergent perspectives: observations

The Jin (1997) recharge/discharge paradigm in observations (1980-2002)

Slides shown during talk at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Trieste, Italy, 11 June 2002

  1. The train of ideas
  2. Schematic of the Jin oscillator
  3. Interannual RMS of Z20
  4. Evolution of the 1997-98 El Niño:
               Max recharge (Jan-Mar 1997)
               Max El Niño tilt (Sep-Nov 1997)
               Max discharge (Jul-Sep 1998)
               Max La Niña tilt (Mar-May 1999)
  5. Observations of warm water transport
  6. EOF spatial patterns of Z20
  7. EOF PC timeseries
  8. Timeseries of Nino3 SST and warm water volume
  9. Phase orbits of SST vs warm water volume
  10. Persistence of the amplitude of each ENSO phase
  11. Lag between El Niños as a function of previous SSTA maximum
  12. Histogram of phase orbits
  13. Conclusion

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