GRADUATES Of The Program
Lauren Rich, MFR, 1993. Thesis: Protection strategies, water quality
standards and monitoring plan for the Suquamish Tribe's Doe-Kag-Wats Wetland.
Stephanie Allen, MS, 1994. Thesis: Growth study of a yardwaste
compost: Demonstration site at the Center for Urban Horticulture.
Linda Baker, MS, 1994. Thesis: Germination of seeds from wetland
soil as a source of plant material for wetland restoration.
Mark Rains , MS, 1994. Thesis: Plant community structure along environmental
gradients defined by hydrology, redox potential and shade in two Pacific northwest
palustrine wetlands.
Bill Kleindl ,
MS, 1995. Thesis: A benthic index of biotic integrity for Puget Sound lowland
streams, Washington, USA.
Stacey Wenger , MS, 1995. Thesis: Carex lyngbyei productivity in
the Duwamish (urban) and Nisqually (non-urban) estuaries.
Katherine Houck, MS, 1996. Thesis: The distribution and abundance
of invasive plant species in freshwater wetlands of the Puget Sound lowlands,
King County, Washington.
Perry Gayaldo , MS, 1996. Thesis: Native shrub-steppe restoration at the
Yakima Training Center, Yakima, Washington.
Lizzie Zemke, MS, 1997. Thesis: Establishing Festuca idahoensis
on the University of Washington's Union Bay Natural Area.
Rob Bell, MS, 1997. Thesis: Restoration planting of Quercus
garryana: A comparison of plant material, irrigation treatments and
planting sites.
Susan Papanikolas, MS, 1997. Thesis: The effects of shade and
planting date on Oregon white oak seedlings.
Lizbeth Seebacher, MS, 1997. Thesis: Restoration of coastal estuarine
habitats within previously diked wetlands in the South Slough National
Estuarine Research Reserve.
Greg Mazer , MS, 1998. Thesis: Environmental limitations
to bioswale vegetation growth and establishment in vegetated stormwater
Joe Rocchio, MS, 1998. Thesis: Effect of substrate
and moisture on wetland restoration.
Dave Schmidt , MS, 1998. Thesis: Restoration of a Prairie
Ecosystem at the Yellow Island Preserve and the Propagation of Castilleja
hispida by Vegetative Cuttings.
Cindy Uthus, MS, 1999. Thesis: Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris
arundinacea) uses, abuses and control.
Margaret McCauley, MS, 1999. Thesis: A Comparison of the
water quality treatment effectiveness of three plant species in a constructed
wetland for municipal wastewater treatment.
Jeanette Dorner, MS, 1999. Thesis: Plant Species Distribution,
and Their Relationship with Environmental Variables.
Matthew Kimble, Ph.D. 1999. Dissertation: Variation of Terresstrial
and Aquatic Riparian Biodiversity in Response to Watershed Condition.
Michele Dobie-Laubenheimer, MS, 2000. Thesis: Status and Community Composition
of Northern Puget Sound Prairies.
Kelly Dlouhy, MS, 2001. Thesis: Planted Species in Wetland Mitigation
Sites: Planting Practices and Species Progress
Caren Crandell, MS, 2001. Thesis: Effect of grazing by Canada geese on the fitness of Carex lyngbyei at a restored wetland in the Duwamish River estuary
Perry Gayaldo , Ph.D.
2002. Dissertation: Seagrass restoration involving the alteration of sediment
chemistry/redox and submarine light regime.
Anna Portinga, M.S. 2002. Eelgrass restoration
Laura Carney ,
M.S. 2003. Macroalgal restoration techniques
Katie McGowan, M.S. 2003. Urban Wetland Seedbanks
Jason Ontjes, M.S. 2003. Salinity impacts on seed
germination and grass growth in the Arctic
Kirra Swenerton, M.S. 2003. Potential restoration sites for Castilleja
Kim Frappier, M.S. 2004. Restoration chronosequence on Mt. Rainier trails.
Crystal Elliot, M.S. 2004. Tidal emergent plant communities, Russian Island, Columbia River Estuary.
Anne Andreu, M.S. 2004. Fire as a critcal element in ecosystem maintenance
Joshua Tallis, M.S. 2004. Mycorrhizae and tropical moist forest restoration.
Lara Johnson, M.S. 2004. Mycorrhizal implication in the establishment of pioneer species on mine tailings.
Matthew Ramsay. M.S. 2004. Restoration at recreational sites in the North Cascades.
Kevin Fetherston. PhD. 2005. Evidence for the large wood cycle as a critical element in river valley dynamics.
Matt Bennett. MFR 2005. Establishment of American Dunegrass (Leymus mollis) communities at upland dredge material disposal sites for sand stabilization and invasive plant species control.
Rodney Pond. MS 2005. Restoration of low-elevation riparian forest.
Amy Lambert. MS. 2006. San Juan Island Restoration.
Kay Caromile. MEH. 2006. Pierce County Managment Plan.
Amanda Stuckey. MEH 2007. Horticultural practices in park tree planting
Doug Schmitt. MEH 2007. Management of restoration in the Union Bay Natural Area
Julia Tracy. MS 2007. Response of University Slough to addition of Ravenna Creek waters
Joshua Chenoweth. MS 2007. Sediment seedbank and the restoration of land behind the Elwah River dams
Alaine Sommargren. MS 2008. Black lily ecology and restoration.
Ben Peterson. MS 2008. Urban tree cultural methods
Dangelei Fox. MS 2008.Restoration fate of lomatium species used by Native Americans
Justin Howell. MS. 2008. Interactive restoration website.
Joel Breems. MS 2009. Impact of historic wood waste deposits on eelgrass habitat
Wendy DesCamp. MS 2010. Characteristics and control of invasive Lamiastrum.
Kathleen De Maria. MEH 2010. Horticultural citations in the restoration literature.
Ginger Tennant. PhD 2010. Eelgrass endophytes
Nate Hough-Snee . MS 2011. The effects of flooding, fertilization and initial plant size on the growth and biomass allocation of Carex obnupta and Carex stipata................Nate's Blog link
Amy Lambert. PhD 2011. Island Marble Butterfly
Brooke Sullivan. MS 2011.. Eelgrass wasting disease
Jake Milofsky. MEH 2011. Inventory of vegetation in dedicated street rights-of-way without streets
Jennifer Buening. MEH 2011 Restoration planning for Salmon Creek watershed.
Kava Vale. MEH 2011. Urban tree inventory and functional evaluation on the University of Washington campus.
Joy Wood. MS 2011. Comparison of the effectiveness of capstone restoration projects.
David Hays, MS 2012. Invasive blackberry flooding tolerance
Caitlin Guthrie, MS 2012. Tree survival at Nisqually restoration
Katherine Asselin, MEH 2012. Orchid/Melipona restoration in Nicaragua.
Blake Schnebly. MEH 2012. Cost and labor estimation for UBNA mitigation
Heather Khan. MEH 2012. Modifying a detention facility to simulate climate change impacts
Lindsey Hamilton. MEH 2013. Fire responses of Salal and Bracken
Rosemary Baker. MEH 2013. Elwha revegetation
Michael Hannam. PhD. 2013. Native vs. introduced eelgrass topographical variation
Catharina Penberthy. MEH 2013. Urban wildland restoration
Rob Edsforth. MEH 2013. Environmental management of golf courses
Cynthia Riskin MEH. 2013. Elwha Dam invasive plants
Andrew Fraser. MS 2013. Solarization of Himalayan blackberry and Scotch broom
Oliver Bazinet. MS 2014. Effectiveness of restoration efforts
Xincai Cai. MEH 2014. Surface coal mine reclamation
Crescent Calimpong. MEH 2014. Elwha River Revegetation
Jonathan Diemer, MEH 2014. Centennial Woods Restoration
Michelle Fischer, MEH 2014. Prairie plant survival on burned and unburned plots
Lisa Miller, MEH 2014. Education and environmental behavioral change
Martha Moritz, MEH 2014. Kincaid Ravine Management Plan
Hui-Chung Tsai, MEH 2014. North Beach Park Wetlands
Luke McGuff, MEH 2014. North Beach Park Management Plan