Statistical methodology:
- Xia F, Chan KCG (2023). Identification, semiparametric efficiency, and quadraply robust estimation in mediation analysis with treatment-induced confounding. Journal of American Statistical Association 118(542): 1272-1281.
- Gao F, Chan KCG (2023). Fast non-iterative estimation update for parametric and semi-parametric models with population-based auxiliary information. Biometrics 79: 140-150.
- Gao F, Xia F and Chan KCG (2023). Defining and estimating subgroup mediation effects with semi-competing risks data. Statistica Sinica 33: 2495-2517.
- Liu P, Chan KCG and Chen YQ (2023). On a Simple Estimation of the Proportional Odds Model under Right Truncation. Lifetime Data Analysis 29: 537-554.
- Liu P, Huang Y, Chan KCG and Chen YQ (2023). Semiparametric Trend Analysis for Stratified Recurrent Gap Times under Weak Comparability Constraint. Statistics in Biosciences 15: 455–474.
- Xia F, Chan KCG (2022). Decomposition, Identification and Multiply Robust Estimation of Natural Mediation Effects with Multiple Mediators. Biometrika 109(4): 1085-1100.
- Wang J, Wong RKW, Yang S and Chan KCG (2022). Estimation of Partially Conditional Average Treatment Effect by Double Kernel-covariate Balancing. Electronic Journal of Statistics 16(2): 4332-4378.
- Huang MY and Chan KCG (2022). Model selection among Dimension-Reduced generalized Cox models. Lifetime Data Analysis 28(3):492-511.
- Chan KCG, Han J, Kennedy AP and Yam SCP (2022) Testing network autocorrelation without replicates. Plos One 17(11): e027553
- Chan KCG, Ling HK, Sit T and Yam SCP (2021). Grenander-type nature of monotone NPMLE of multi-sample biased sampling models. Electronic Journal of Statistics 15: 2876-2904.
- Wang J, Wong RKW, Mao X and Chan KCG (2021). Matrix completion with model-free weighting. Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139: 10927-10936.
- Lin R., Chan KCG, Shi H (2021). A Unified Bayesian Framework for Exact Inference of Area Under the ROC Curve. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 30(10): 2269-2287.
- Hu J, Chan KCG, Couper D, Breslow N (2021). Estimating approximate risk differences from case-cohort studies. European Journal of Epidemiology 36: 1129-1142.
- Huang MY and Chan KCG (2020). Sufficient dimension reduction with simultaneous estimation of effective dimensions for censored survival data. Statistica Sinica 30: 1285-1311.
- Gao F and Chan KCG (2019). Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Length-Biased Interval-Censored Data. Biometrics 75 (1): 121-132.
- Chan KCG , Ling HK, Sit T and Yam SCP (2018). Estimation of a monotone density in s-sample biased sampling models. Annals of Statistics 46 (5): 2125-2152.
- Wong RKW and Chan KCG (2018). Kernel-based covariate functional balancing for observational studies. Biometrika 105 (1): 199-213.
- Sun Y, Chan KCG and Qin J (2018). Simple and fast overidentified rank estimation for right-censored length-biased data and backward recurrence time. Biometrics 74(1): 77-85.
- Huang MY and Chan KCG (2018). Nonparametric estimation of continuous treatment effect function with adaptive reduction in confounder dimensions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 168: 48-62.
- Chan KCG and Wang MC (2017). Modeling and estimating the terminal behavior of recurrent marker processes before failure events. Journal of American Statistical Association 112 (517): 351-362.
- Huang MY and Chan KCG (2017). Joint sufficient dimension reduction and estimation of conditional and average treatment effects. Biometrika 104 (3): 583-596.
- Cai Q, Wang MC and Chan KCG (2017). Joint modeling of longitudinal, recurrent events and failure time data for survivors’ population. Biometrics 73(4): 1150-1160.
- Yee L and Chan KCG (2017). Nonparametric inference for the joint distribution of recurrent marked variables and recurrent survival time. Lifetime Data Analysis 23 (2): 207-222.
- Chan KCG (2017). Acceleration of Expectation-Maximization algorithm for length-biased right-censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis 23 (1): 102-112.
- Di C, Chan KCG, Zheng C and Liang KY (2017). Testing homogeneity in semiparametric mixture case-control models. Communications in Statistics -- Theory and Methods 46 (18): 9092-9100.
- Chan KCG , Yam SCP and Zhang Z (2016). Globally efficient nonparametric inference of average treatment effects by empirical balancing calibration weighting. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B 78 (3): 673-700.
- Chan KCG and Qin J (2016). Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for the multi-sample Wicksell corpuscle problem. Biometrika 103 (2): 253-271.
- Chan KCG (2016). Instrumental variable additive hazards models with exposure-dependent censoring. Biometrics 72 (3): 1003-1005.
- Chan KCG and Qin J (2015). Rank-based testing of equal survivorship based on cross-sectional survival data with or without prospective follow-up. Biostatistics 16 (4): 772-784.
- Yee L and Chan KCG (2015). Nonparametric inference for time-dependent incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. Statistics in Medicine 34 (30): 4057-4069.
- Chen B, Zhou XHA and Chan KCG (2015). Pseudo-empirical likelihood based method using calibration for longitudinal data with dropout. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series C 64 (1):157-174.
- Chan KCG and Yam SCP (2014). Oracle, multiple robust and multipurpose calibration in missing response problem. Statistical Science 29 (3): 380-386.
- Dai JY, Chan KCG and Hsu L (2014). Testing concordance of instrumental variable effects in generalized linear models with application to Mendelian randomization. Statistics in Medicine 33(23): 3986-4007.
- Chan KCG (2014). A note about the identifiability of causal effect estimates in randomized trials with non-compliance. Statistical Methodology 16: 68-71.
- Basu A and Chan KCG (2014). Can we make smart choices between OLS and Contaminated IV methods? Health Economics 23(4): 462-472.
- Chan KCG (2013). Survival analysis without survival data: connecting length-biased and case-control data. Biometrika 100 (3): 764-770.
- Chan KCG (2013). Nuisance parameter elimination for proportional likelihood ratio models with nonignorable missingness and random truncation. Biometrika 100 (1): 269-276.
- Chan KCG (2013). A simple multiple robust estimator for missing response problem. Stat 2 (1): 143-149.
- Chan KCG, Chen YQ and Di C (2012). Proportional Mean Residual Life Model for Censored Length-biased Data of Prevalent Cohort. Biometrika 99 (4): 995-1000.
- Chan KCG (2012). Simple efficient bias corrected instrumental variable estimator for randomized trials with noncompliance. Contemporary Clinical Trials 33(4): 786-793.
- Chan KCG and Wang MC (2012). Estimating incident population distribution from prevalent data. Biometrics 68 (2): 521-531.
- Chan KCG (2012). Uniform Improvement of Empirical Likelihood for Missing Response Problem. Electronic Journal of Statistics 6: 289-302.
- Chan KCG and Wang MC (2010). Backward Estimation of Stochastic Processes with Failure Events as Time Origins. (2010) Annals of Applied Statistics 4(3): 1602-1620.
- Chan KCG and Yang H (2006). Upper bounds for ruin probability under time series models. Probability in the Engineering and Informational sciences 20(3): 527-540.
- Chan KCG and Yang H (2005). Sensitivity analysis on ruin probabilities with heavy-tailed claims. Statistical Methodology 2(1): 59-63.
- Chan KCG and Yang H (2004). Ruin problems under feedback model with random interest. Advances and Applications in Statistics 4(3): 379-395.
Scientific applications:
- Radin, A et al. (2023) Comparative Effectiveness of Safety Planning Intervention with Instrumental Support Calls (ISC) versus Safety Planning Intervention with Two-Way Text Message Caring Contacts (CC) in Adolescents and Adults Screening Positive for Suicide in Emergency Departments and Primary Care Clinics: Protocol for a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 131:107268.
- Beauchamp G*, Donnell D, Hosek S, Anderson PL, Chan KCG, Mgodi N, Bekker L-G, Delany-Moretlwe S, Celum C, for the HPTN 082 study team. (2023) Trust in the provider and accurate self-reported PrEP adherence among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa and Zimbabwe: HPTN 082 study. BMC Women’s Health 19;23(1):276.
- Littman AJ, Timmons AK, Korpak A, Chan KCG, Jones KT, Shirley S, Nordrum K, Robbins J, Moy E. (2023) Evaluation of the effectiveness of remote foot temperature monitoring for prevention of amputation in a large integrated healthcare system. Diabetes Care 46(8):1464-1468.
- Radin A, Shaw J, Brown SP, Torres J, Harper M, Flint H, Fouts T, McCue, E, Skeie A, Pena C, Youell J, Doty-Jones A, Jacob W, Flinn L, Austin G, Chan KCG, Zheng Z, Fruhbauerova M, Walton M, Kerbrat A, Comtois KA. (2023) Comparative Effectiveness of Two Versions of a Caring Contacts Intervention in Healthcare Providers, Staff, and Patients for Reducing Loneliness and Mental Distress: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Affective Discovers 331:442-451.
- Shahrir S, Crothers K, McGinnis KA, Chan KCG, Baeten JM, Wilson SM, Butt AA, Pisani MA, Baldassarri SR, Justice A, Williams EC. (2023) Receipt of Smoking Cessation Medications among People with and without HIV in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (2003-2018). Open Forum Infectious Diseases 20;10(3):ofad089.
- Beauchamp G*, Hosek S, Donnell D, Chan KCG, Flaherty B, Anderson PL, Dye BJ, Mgodi N, Bekker L-G, Delany-Moretlwe S, Celum C, for the HPTN 082 study team. (2023) Development of a tool to assess HIV prevention readiness of adolescent girls and young women in the HPTN 082 study. Plos One 18(2):e0281728.
- Ornelas I, Rao D, Price C, Chan KCG, Tran A, Aisenburg G, Perez G, Maurer S, Nelson AK. (2023) Promoting Mental Health in Latina Immigrant Women: Results from the Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma Intervention Trial. Social Science and Medicine 321:115776.
- Scalco et al. (2023) The status of digital pathology and associated infrastructure within Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 82(3): 202-211.
- Correro A, Gauthreaux K, Perales-Puchalt J, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Kukull WA, Flatt JD. (2023) Cognitive Aging with Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, or No Impairment: A Comparison of Same- and Mixed-Sex Couples. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 92 (1): 109-128.
- Suri P, Heagerty PJ, Korpak A, Jensen M, Chan KCG, Timmons A, Friedly J, Jarvik JG, Baraff A. (2023) Improving Power and Accuracy in Randomized Controlled Trials of Pain Treatments by Accounting for Concurrent Analgesic Use. Journal of Pain 24 (2): 332-344.
- Gauthreaux K, Mock C, Teylan MA, Culhane JE, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Katsumata Y, Nelson PT, Kukull WA. (2022) Symptomatic profile and cognitive performance in autopsy-confirmed limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy with comorbid Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 81(12):975-987.
- Yang S-W, Mueller BA, Kernic MA, Simon GE, Chan KCG, Stoep AV. (2022) Identification of affected parents, timing of onset, and diagnoses of parental serious mental illness and risk for child injury occurrence and hospitalization during early childhood in a population-based birth cohort. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 83(6):21m14214.
- Edmonds A. T., Rhew I. C., Jones-Smith J., Chan KCG, de Castro B, Rubinsky AD, Blosnich JR, Williams EC. (2022) Neighborhood disadvantage, patterns of unhealthy alcohol use, and differential associations by gender, race/ethnicity, and rurality: a study of national Veterans Health Administration patients. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 83(6):867–878.
- Edmonds AT, Rhew IC, Jones-Smith J, Chan KCG, Nelson K, Williams EC. (2022) Patient-centered primary care and receipt of evidence-based alcohol-related care in the national Veterans Health Administration. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 138:108709.
- Boccardi, M, et al. (2022) Harmonizing Neuropsychological Assessment for Mild Neurocognitive Disorders in Europe. Alzheimer’s and Dementia 18(1):29-42.
- Harris JR, Kava CM, Chan KCG, Kohn MJ, Hammerback K, Parrish AT, Helfrich CD, Hannon P (2022). Pathways to Behavioral, Mental Health, and Productivity Outcomes in a Workplace Health Promotion Program. American Journal of Health Promotion 36(4):662-672.
- Gauthreaux KM, Teylan MA, Katsumata Y, Mock C, Culhane JE, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Dugan AJ, Cykowski MD, Jicha GA, Kukull WA, Nelson PT (2022). Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE): medical and pathological factors associated with comorbid hippocampal sclerosis. Neurology 98(14):e1422-e1433.
- Teylan MA, Mock C, Gauthreaux K, Culhane JE, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Kukull WA, Nelson PT, Katsumata Y (2021). Differences in symptomatic presentation and cognitive performance among participants with LATE-NC compared to FTLD-TDP. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental NeurologyNeurology 80(11):1024–1032.
- Ryan D, Tornberg-Belanger SN, Perez G, Maurer S, Price C, Rao D, Chan KCG, Ornelas IJ (2021). Stress, social support and their relationship to depression and anxiety among Latina immigrant women. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 149: 110588.
- Wartko PD, Weiss NS, Enquobahrie DA, Chan KCG, Stephenson-Famy A, Mueller BA, Dublin S (2021). Association of antidepressant continuation in pregnancy and birthweight outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 41(4): 403-413.
- Xu D, Pan J, Dai X, Hu M, Cai Y, He H, Zhang Y, Liao J, Chen Y, Gong W, Zhou Z, Zhang N, Wang X, Chan KCG, Ying, Cai Y, Wang R, Xue Q and Yip W (2021). Comparing Quality of Primary Health Care between Public and Private Providers in China: Study Protocol of a Cross-sectional Study Using Unannounced Standardized Patients in Seven Provinces of China.
a>BMJ open 1(1):e040792.
- Wartko PD, Weiss NS, Enquobahrie DA, Chan KCG, Stephenson-Famy A, Mueller BA, Dublin S (2021). Maternal gestational weight gain in relation to antidepressant continuation in pregnancy. American Journal of Perinatology 38(13): 1442-1452.
- Kava CM, Passey D, Harris JR, Chan KCG, Hannon P (2021). The Workplace Support for Health Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Brief Scale to Measure Employee Perceptions of Wellness. American Journal of Health Promotion 35(2): 179-185.
- Brown MC, Kava C, Bekemeier B, Ornelas I, Harris J, Chan KCG, Robertson M, Hammerback K, Hannon P (2021). Local health departments’ capacity for chronic disease prevention partnerships with employers: comparison of rural, micropolitan and urban contexts. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 27(5): E183-E188.
- Carlo AD, Chan KCG, Arao R, Vredevoogd M, Fortney J, Powers D, Russo J, Unützer J (2021). Assessing Organizational Depression Treatment Performance – Does the choice of metric matter? Psychiatric Services 72(7):830-834.
- Perales-Puchalt J, Gauthreaux K, Shaw A, McGee JL, Teylan MA, Chan KCG, Rascovsky K, Kukull WA, Vidoni ED (2021). Risk of mild cognitive impairment among older adults in the United States by ethnoracial group. International Psychogeriatrics 33(1): 51-62.
- Weintraub S, Teylan M, Rader B, Chan KCG, Bollenback M, Kukull WA, Coventry C, Rogalski E, Bigio E and Mesulam M-M (2020). ApoE is a correlate of phenotypic heterogeneity in Alzheimer’s disease in a national cohort analysis. Neurology 94 (6): e607-e612.
- Teylan M, Mock C, Gauthreaux K, Chen K-C, Chan KCG, Hassenstab J., Besser L. M., Kukull W. A., Crary J. F (2020). Cognitive trajectory in mild cognitive impairment due to primary age-related tauopathy. Brain 143(2): 611-621.
- Han F, Bonnett Y, Brenowitz WD, Teylan MA, Besser LM, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Cao K, Kukull WA, Zhou XHA, Gao Y (2020). Estimating associations between antidepressant use and incident mild cognitive impairment in older adults with depression. Plos One 15(1): e0227924.
- Shahrir S, Crothers K, McGinnis K, Chan KCG, Baeten JM, Wilson S, Butt AA, Pisani MA, Baldassarri S, Justice A, Williams EC (2020). Receipt and Predictors of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy among veterans with and without HIV. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 63(2): 118-124.
- Gauthreaux K, Bonnett TA, Besser LM, Brenowitz WD, Teylan M, Mock C, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Keene C. D., Zhou XHA, Kukull WA (2020). Concordance of clinical Alzheimer diagnosis and neuropathological features at autopsy. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 79(5): 465-473.
- Culhane JE, Chan KCG, Teylan MA, Chen Y-C, Mock C, Gauthreaux K, Kukull WA (2020). Factor consistency of neuropsychological test battery versions in the NACC uniform data set. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 34(2): 175-177.
- Badon SE, Littman AJ, Chan KCG, Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA (2020). Leisure time physical activity, sedentary time in pregnancy, and infant weight at approximately 12 months. Women’s Health Reports 1(1): 123-131.
- Yang S-W, Kernic MA, Mueller BA, Simon GE, Chan KCG, Stoep AV (2020). Association of Parental Mental Illness and With Child Injury Occurrence, Hospitalization, and Death During Early Childhood. JAMA Pediatrics 174(8): e201749.
- Brown M, Harris JR, Hammerback K, Kohn MJ, Parrish AT, Chan KCG, Ornelas IJ, Helfrich CD, Hannon PA (2020). Development of a Wellness Committee Implementation Index for Workplace Health Promotion Programs in Small Businesses. American Journal of Health Promotion 34(6):v614-621.
- Dodge HH, Wakim N, Gefen T, Teylan M, Chan KCG, Kukull W, Goldstein FC, Salmon D, Mungas D, Morris J, Weintraub S (2020). Differentiating Among Stages of Cognitive Impairment in Aging: Version 3 of the Uniform Data Set (UDS) Neuropsychological Test Battery and MoCA Index Scores. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 6(1): e12103.
- Knerr, S., Ceballos RM, Chan KCG, Beresford, S., Bowen, D (2019). Women’s beliefs about what causes obesity: variation by race/ethnicity and acculturation in a Washington State sample. Ethnicity and Health.
- Bensley KM, McGinnis KA, Fortney J, Chan KCG, Dombrowski JC, Ornelas I, Edelman EJ, GouletJ , Satre D, Justice AC, Fiellin DA and Williams EC(2019). Patterns of Alcohol use across urban, large rural, and small rural communities among patients living with HIV. Journal of Rural Health 35(3):330-340.
- Basu A, Sohn M-W, Bartle B, Chan KCG, Guihan M, Cooper J, Huang E (2019). Development and validation of the real-world progression in diabetes (RAPIDS) model. Medical decision making 39(2):137-151.
- Xu DR, Hu M, He W, Liao J, Cai Y, Sylvia S, Hanson K, Chen Y, Pan J, Zhou Z, Zhan N, Tang C, Wang X, Rozelle S, Wang H, Chan KCG, Melipillan ER, Zhou W, Gong W (2019). Assessing Quality of Primary Health Care in 7 Chinese Provinces with Unannounced Standardized Patients: Protocol of a Cross-Sectional Survey. BMJ Open 9:e023997.
- Bensley KM, Fortney J, Chan KCG, Dombrowski JC, Ornelas I, Rubinsky AD, Lapham GT, Glass JE and Williams EC (2019). Differences in receipt of alcohol-related care across rurality among VA patients living with HIV and unhealthy alcohol use. Journal of Rural Health 35(3): 341-353.
- Perales J, Gauthreaux K, Flatt J, Teylan MA, Resendez J, Kukull W, Chan KCG, Burns JM and Vidoni E (2019). Risk of dementia and mild cognitive impairment among older adults in same-sex relationships. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 34(6):828-835.
- Beresford, S., Bowen, D., Albano, D., Kuniyuki, A., Chan KCG, Littman, A., Patrick, D. and Barrington, W (2019). Relationship of multiple socioeconomic status measures to obesity in middle aged women. International Journal of Women’s Health and Wellness 5:090.
- Kava CM, Harris JR, Chan KCG, Kohn MJ, Parrish AT, Hannon PA (2019). Tabacco evidence-based practice implementation and employee tobacco-related outcomes at small and low-wage worksites. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine 61(7):e312-e316.
- Wartko PD, Dublin S, Weiss NS, Mueller BA, Enquobahrie D, Chan KCG, Stephenso-Famy A (2019). Antidepressant continuation in pregnancy in relation to risk of gestational diabetes. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 28 (9): 1194-1203.
- Hannon PA, Hammerback J, Kohn MJ, Kava CM, Chan KCG, Parrish AT, Helfrich CD, Mayotte C, Beresford SA, Harris JR (2019). Disseminating evidence-based interventions in small, low-wage worksites: a randomized controlled trial in King County, Washington (2014-2017). American Journal of Public Health 109(12): 1739-1746.
- Badon SE, Littman AJ, Chan KCG, Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA (2018). Associations of maternal light/moderate leisure time walking and yoga with offspring birth size. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(6):430-439.
- Bensley, K, McGinnis KA, Fiellin DA, Gordon AJ, Kraemer KL, Bryant KJ, Edelman EJ, Crystal S, Gaither JR, Korthuis PT, Marshall BDL, Ornelas IJ, Chan KCG, Dombrowski JC, Fortney JC, Justice AC, Williams EC (2018). Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association between Alcohol Use and Mortality Among Men Living with HIV. Addition Science and Clinical Practice 13:2.
- Blanar L., Hansen RN, Chan KCG, Sears, JM, Thompson HJ, Crane, PK, Ebel BE (2018). Diagnosed dementia and the risk of motor vehicle crash among older drivers. Accident Anaylsis and Prevention 113: 47-53.
- Helfrich CD, Kohn MJ, Stapleton A, Allen CL, Hammerback KE, Chan KCG, Parrish AT, Ryan D, Weiner BJ, Harris JR and Hannon PA (2018). Readiness to Change Over Time: Change Commitment and Change Efficacy Over Time in a Workplace Health-Promotion Trial. Frontiers in Public Health 6:110.
- Blanar L., Ebel, BE, Larson, EB, Sears JM, Thompson, HJ, Chan KCG, Crane, P.K (2018). Cognitive decline and older driver crash risk. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 66 (6): 1075-1081.
- Badon SE, Littman AJL, Chan KCG, Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA (2018). Maternal sedentary behavior during pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy and mean offspring size: A cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 18: 267.
- Badon SE, Littman AJ, Chan KCG, Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA (2018). Physical activity and epigenetic biomarkers in maternal blood during pregnancy. Epigenomics 10(11):1383-1395.
- Blondon K, Chan KCG, Muller-Juge V, Cullati S, Hudelson P, Maitre F, Vu NV, Savoldelli GL and Nendaz NR (2017). A concordance-based study to assess doctors’ and nurses’ mental models in internal medicine. Plos One 12 (8): e0182608.
- Hannon PA, Helfrich CD, Chan KCG , Allen CL, Hammerback K, Kohn MJ, Parrish AT, Weiner BJ and Harris JR (2017). Development and pilot-test of the Workplace Readiness Questionnaire, a theory-based instrument to measure small workplaces’ readiness to implement wellness programs. American Journal of Health Promotion 31 (1): 67-75.
- Blanar LA, Sears JM, Chan KCG, Thompson HJ, Crane PK and Ebel, BE (2017). Relating older workers’ injuries to the mismatch between physical ability and job demands. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 59 (2): 212-221.
- Karmacharya BM, Koju RP, LoGerfo JP, Chan KCG, Mokdad A, Shrestha A, Sotoodehnia N and Fitzpatrick AL (2017). Awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Nepal: Findings from the Dhulikhel Heart Study. Heart Asia 9 (1): 1-8.
- Shrestha A, Koju RP, Beresford SAA, Chan KCG, Karmacharya BM and Fitzpatrick AL (2017). Reproducibility and relative validity of food group intake in a food frequency questionnaire developed for Nepalese diet. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 68 (5): 605-612.
- Randall I, Maynard C, Chan KCG, Devine B and Johnson C (2017). Assessing the effect of the VA PCMH model on utilization patterns among Veterans with PTSD. American Journal of Managed Care 23 (5): 291-296.
- Badon SE, Littman AJ, Chan KCG, Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA (2017). Trajectories of maternal leisure time physical activity and sedentary behavior during adolescence to young adulthood and offspring birthweight. Annals of Epidemiology 27(11), 701–707.
- Park S, Chan KCG and Williams E (2016). Gain of employment and perceived health status among previously unemployed persons: evidence from a longitudinal study in the United States. Public Health 133: 83-90.
- Hannon, PA, Hammerback K, Allen CL, Parrish AT, Chan KCG, Korn MJ, McTeague S, Beresford SAA, Helfrich CD and Harris JR (2016). HealthLinks Randomized Controlled Trial: Design and Baseline Results. Contemporary Clinical Trials 48: 1-11.
- Shrestha A, Koju RP, Beresford SAA, Chan KCG, Karmacharya BM and Fitzpatrick AL (2016). Food Patterns Measured by Principal Component Analysis and Obesity in the Nepalese Adult. Heart Asia 8 (1): 46-53.
- Kneeshaw-Price SH, Saelens BE, Sallis JF, Frank LD, Grembowski DE, Hannon PA, Smith NL and Chan KCG (2015). Neighborhood crime-related safety and its relation to children's physical activity. Journal of Urban Health 92(3): 472-489.
- Reiger S, Harris JR, Chan KCG, Oqueli HL and Kohn M (2015). A Community-Driven Hypertension Treatment Group in Rural Honduras. Global Health Action 8: 28041.
- Kohn MJ, Bell JF, Grow MG and Chan KCG (2014). Food insecurity, food assistance and weight status in US youth: New Evidence from NHANES 2007-08. Pediatric Obesity 9(2): 155-166.
- Keeney B, Fulton-Kehoe D , Wickizer T, Turner J, Chan KCG and Franklin G (2013). Clinically significant weight gain one year after occupational back injury. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 55 (3): 318-324.
- Keeney B, Wickizer T, Turner J, Fulton-Kehoe D, Chan KCG, de Castro B and Franklin G (2013). Early Predictors of Occupational Back Injury: Results from a Prospective Study of Workers in Washington State. Spline 38 (2): 178-187.
- Keeney B, Turner J, Fulton-Kehoe D , Wickizer T, Chan KCG and Franklin G (2013). Early Predictors of Lumbar Spine Surgery After Occupational Back Injury: Results from a Prospective Study of Workers in Washington State. Spine 38(11): 953-964.
- Kneeshaw-Price, SH, Saelens, BE, Sallis, JF, Glanz, K, Frank, LD, Kerr, J, Hannon, PA, Grembowski, DE, Chan KCG and Cain KL (2013). Children's objective physical activity by location: Why the Neighborhood Matters. Pediatric Exercise Science 25(3): 468-486.
- Huang D, Chan KCG and Young B (2013). Poor Oral Health and Quality of Life in U.S. Older Adults with Diabetes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 61 (10): 1782-1788.
- Jang J, Chan KCG , Huang H and Sullivan SD (2013). Trends in cost, health status and functional outcomes among adult and pediatric patients with asthma: 2000-2009. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 111(6): 516-522.
- Tsai-Turton M, Santillan A, Lu D, Bristow RE, Chan KCG, Shih IeM, Roden RB (2009). p53 autoantibodies, cytokine levels and ovarian carcinogenesis. Gynecologic oncology 114(1): 12-17.
- Mielke MM, Kozauer NA, Chan KCG, Geoerge M, Toroney J, Zerrate M, Bandeen-Roche K, Wang M-C, van Zijl P, Pekar J, Mori S, Lyketso CG, Albert M (2008). Regionally-Specific Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. Neuroimage 45: 47-55.
- Lin Z, Bazzaro M, Wang MC, Chan KCG, Peng S, Roden RB (2008). Combination of proteasome and HDAC inhibitors for uterine cervical cancer treatment. Clinical Cancer Reseach 15(2): 570-577.
- Bazzaro M, Lin Z, Santillan A, Lee MK, Wang MC, Chan KCG, Bristow RE, Mazitschek R, Bradner J, Roden RB (2008). Ubiquitin proteasome system stress underlies synergistic killing of ovarian cancer cells by bortezomib and a novel HDAC6 inhibitor. Clinical Cancer Reseach 14(22): 7340-7347.
- Kozauer NA, Mielke MM, Chan KCG, Rebok GW and Lyketsos CG (2008). Apolipoprotein E genotype and lifetime cognitive decline. Apolipoprotein E genotype and lifetime cognitive decline. International Psychogeriatrics 20(1): 109-123.