Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade

Edited by Bjarne S. Jensen and Kar-yiu Wong.
Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1997.

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List of Contributors
Denmark Conference on "Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade," August 1996
A theory book on international trade


Part I. Introduction

1. Introduction

Bjarne S. Jensen and Kar-yiu Wong

2. Endogenous Growth and International Trade: A Survey --- [Click for an abstract of the paper.]

Ngo Van Long and Kar-yiu Wong

Part II. Dynamics of Basic Trade Models

3. General Equilibrium Dynamics of Basic Trade Models for Growing Economies

Bjarne S. Jensen and Chunyan Wang

4. Endogenous Growth, Trade, and Specialization under Variable Returns to Scale: The Case of a Small Open Economy

Ngo Van Long, Kazuo Nishimura, and Koji Shimomura

5. Dynamic Foundations for the Factor Endowment Model of International Trade

Oded Galor and Shoukang Lin

Part III. Growth and Trade with Endogenous Accumulation of Human or Public Capital

6. Public and Private Capital in an Endogenously Growing Open Economy

Stephen J. Turnovsky

7. Trade and Growth with Endogenous Human and Physical Capital Accumulation

Eric W. Bond and Kathleen Trask

Part IV. Economic Growth, Tecnological Progress, and International Trade

8. Efficiency and Productivity in Rich and Poor Countries

Rolf Färe and Shawna Grosskopf

9. Interpreting East Asian Growth

Pham Hoang Van and Henry Y. Wan, Jr.

Part V. Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Factor Movement

10. Endogenous Growth and International Labor Migration: The Case of a Small, Emigration Economy --- [Click for an abstract of the paper.]

Kar-yiu Wong

11. The Human Capital Dimension to Foreign Direct Investment: Training, Adverse Selection, and Firm Location

Theo S. Eicher and Pantelis Kalaitzidakis

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