International Trade in Goods and Factor Mobility
Kar-yiu Wong.

Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1995. Pp. xiv, 699. ISBN 0–262–23179–4. Second printing, 1997.

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Errors are part of our lives, unfortunately. I am glad to have an opportunity to note the followings in the book. I am indebted to my friends and students who spotted these errors and were kind enough to inform me of them.

Please help me and the readers by letting me know of other errors in the book you found. Many thanks.

page line correction
125 last footnote 22: Insert "the" before "first".
128 7 up Delete "that".
230 last Replace "Figure 5.5" with "Figure 5.6".
252 10 Replace "(v)" with "(5)".
275 7 up Insert "price" after "commodity".
305 4 up Replace "make" with "makes".
319 5 Replace "country" with "firm".
333 1 Replace "is" with "as".
334 7 Replace "autarkic production" with "autarkic one".
627 14 Replace "Gartarbeiter" with "Gastarbeiter".
639 5 up Replace "Gruebel" with "Grubel".

Comments on this book are most welcome. Please write to

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This page was last revised on May 15, 1999