College of Arts and Science Workstation
Department of Asian Languages and Literature
General Guidelines and Procedures:
a. The department maintains and updates an inventory of computer equipment purchased through the department that is held by faculty and staff members, including the date of acquisition. The Technology Committee will use this information to maintain an ordered list of which department members have the oldest computers.
b. After the ASWI has been announced by the College (usually in early February), The Technology Committee will solicit requests for new equipment and use the department’s inventory to identify the faculty and staff with the oldest computer equipment. If any faculty and staff with old equipment do not submit a request, the Committee will contact them to recommend that they submit a request.
c. The Technology Committee will make a recommendation to the Chair about which requests to fill, keeping in mind the total allocation awarded to the department by the College. In some cases, the Committee may recommend that a faculty or staff member get a less expensive configuration so that the department can receive more computers. The Technology Committee will also encourage faculty to request laptop computers over desktop computers because of greater flexibility for remote teaching, conducting research on and off campus, and work-related travel (conference/workshop presentations, guest lectures, etc.)
d. The department chair will approve a final list and direct the office staff to submit the request to the College before the deadline (usually the end of Winter Quarter).
e. After the new computers arrive, the department staff will assist faculty in setting up the new computers and will update the inventory list. The Technology Committee will update their data as well.
f. The Department staff will invite department members to surplus their old computers.
1) Replacement cycle: due to the limited funding from the College of Arts and Sciences, currently, we recognize that each faculty member’s chance to receive a new equipment is about every 4-5 years.
2) Repairs and Loaners: Unexpected mechanical malfunctioning of the allotted equipment inside of this replacement cycle is to be handled through warranty (the department is covering the warranty cost) and while repair is carried out, the department loans the department owned equipment (see the loaner policy of the department).
3) While the department recognizes some faculty members’ preference of having a desktop in their offices and a laptop for their work outside of their offices (at home, conference attendance and presentation, etc.), allocation of new equipment is based on the date of MOST RECENT acquisition of a workstation. If funds are available, the department will assist faculty in purchasing an external monitor for use with laptop computers.
4) Allocation of a new equipment is NOT intended as an award of any kind. Allocation of a new equipment is solely determined based on the age and need of a new equipment.