Kamal Ahmed



US Office: University of Washington                                 

Seattle, Washington  98195-2180

Phone: (206) 543-7613 · FAX: (206) 543-1543

E-mail: kamal@u.washington.edu


Cairo: Cairo University-College of Engineering

Giza-Cairo     Egypt

Phone: (010) 565-5652



Assistant Professor                                                                  Cairo University

                                                                                     Giza, Cairo-Egypt


           Affiliate Assistant Professor                                         University of Washington


           Operation Management Unit and

           Head of the Surveying Department                              Hamza Associates




March, 1999

Ph. D. in Civil Engineering

Photogrammetry and remote sensing                        University of Washington


April, 1988

MSEE in Civil Engineering                                        Cairo University, Egypt

Surveying and Photogrammetry


June, 1982

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering                                          Cairo University, Egypt

Civil Engineering





University of Washington, Seattle                               May 2005-Present

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Cairo University-Egypt                                                December 2001- Present

Assistant Professor



Hamza Associates-Egypt                                             April 2002 - Present

Head of the Surveying Department

Member of the Operation Management Unit


University of Washington, Seattle                               Sept. 2003-January 2004

Visiting Assistant Professor


University of Washington, Seattle                               Sept. 2002-January 2003

Visiting Assistant Professor


University of Washington, Seattle                              March 1999-Dec. 2001

Research Associate


Photogrammetry Consultant                                       November, 1997-present

Performed various photo-interpretation

tasks for law firms and developers in the US


University of Washington, Seattle                              Sept., 1996-March, 1999



University of Washington, Seattle                              Summers of 1997 and 1998

Research Engineer


University of Washington, Seattle                              Sept., 1993-Sept., 1996

Teaching Assistant


University of Washington, Seattle                              Summers 1994 & 1995

Accessibility Surveyor


Riley Mapping, Kirkland                                            Summer of 1994

Stereo-plotter operator


University of Wisconsin, Madison                             January, 1991-July, 1993

Visiting Scholar


Cairo University, Cairo                                               Oct., 1982-Jan., 1991

Assistant Lecturer




Bauer Egypt Geotechnical Engineering, Cairo           April, 1983-Jan., 1991

Senior Engineer

(Supervised 19 high rise building foundation projects.)



Talaat Consultants, Cairo                                            August, 1982-April 1984

Design Engineer




July, 1999-present

Investigated the accuracy and precision of airborne laser scanning (LIDAR) technology


September 1999-2001

Investigated the available technologies and modern applications of humans and machines real-time tracking.


            June, 1997-2000

Monitored stand development within the blast area of Mount St. Helens using a twin-camera helicopter boom.


September, 1994-1999

Developed a new technique to robustify the Least Squares method when used for monitoring structural deformations using Photogrammetry.



Studied the enhancement of satellite images using Digital Image Processing methods.


Masters Project

Developed a method to compute the expected value of a traverse closing error.


B.Sc. Graduation Project

Designed special purpose structures using modern techniques.




Reutabuch, S. and K. Ahmed, Monitoring Stand Development within the Mt. St. Helens Blast Zone Using a Twin-camera Helicopter Boom, Proceedings of the First North American Symposium on Small Format Aerial Photography, Colquest, MN, 1997.


Ahmed, K. and Stephen Reutabuch, Monitoring Stand Development in the Mt. St. Helens Blast Zone, Proceedings of the First  International Conference on Earth Observation and Environmental Information, Alexandria, Egypt, 1997


Ahmed, K. and Stephen Reutabuch, Photogrammetric Measurement of ForestRregrowth in the Mt. St. Helens Blast Zone, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Tampa, FL, 1998.


Ahmed, K., T. Curtis, and S. Reutabuch, Accuracy of Airborne Laser Data Under Varying Vegetation Cover, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington, D.C, 2000.


Ahmed, K. and Stephen Reutabuch Precision of High-resolution Airborne Laser Data under Varying Vegetation Cover, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Earth Observation and Environmental Information, Cairo, Egypt, 2000.


S. Reutabuch, K. Ahmed, T. Curtis, D. Petermann, M. Wellander, and M. Froslie, A Test of Airborne Laser Mapping Under Varying Forest Canopy, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington, D.C, 2001.


Jonasson, S, P. Dunston, K. Ahmed, and J. Hamilton "Factors in Productivity and Unit Cost for Advanced Machine Guidance," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, October 2002.


Stephen E. Reutebuch, Kamal Ahmed, Hans-Erik Andersen, Ward W. Carson, and Robert J. McGaughey, Accuracy of a High Resolution LIDAR Terrain

Model Under a Conifer Forest Canopy, Proceedings of the Second Annual Precision Forestry Conference, June 2003, Seattle, Washington.


Reutebuch S.E, Carson W. W., and Ahmed K. M. A Test of the Applanix POS/LIS Inertial Positioning System for the Collection of Terrestrial Coordinates under a Heavy forest Canopy. Proceedings of the Second International Precision Forestry Symposium, University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Seattle, WA, June 15- 17, 2003: 21 -27


S. Reutebuch, H. Andersen, K. Ahmed, T. Curtis, Evaluation of Laser Light Detection  and Ranging Measurements in a Forested Area, USDA Report on Silivicultural Options for Young-Growth Douglas Fir Forests: The Capitol Forest Study, 2004


Kamal Ahmed, Jianyang Zheng Yinhai Wang, and Nancy L. Nihan,  Evaluation of the GPS/INS Integrated System for Vehicle Tracking, submitted to the Journal of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2005




·                  The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

·                  The International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

·                  The Egyptian Engineers Syndicate

·                  The Egyptian Geotechnical Society



May 2005

Selected as the best faculty to teach first year architectural students, college of engineering-Cairo University


November 2000

Technical committee member and chair of a session about Airborne Laser Scanning (LIDAR) in the second international conference on earth observation and environmental information,



April, 2000

Coordinator, College of Engineering open house.

University of Washington, Seattle, WA


March, 2000

Speaker, workshop on using GIS to manage construction projects.

University of Washington, Seattle, WA


March 2000

Attended the Civil Engineering Faculty Teaching Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington


January, 2000

President of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Puget Sound Region.


September, 1999

Faculty Advisor- ASCE student organization

University of Washington: Seattle, WA



September, 1998

Panelist:  Panel of Experienced TAs, Campus-Wide New TA Orientation.

University of Washington: Seattle, WA


April, 1998

Received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the college of Engineering, University of Washington.


January, 1992

Received the Peace Fellowship to perform non-degree research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison .


June, 1982

Received Honors degree from Cairo University for being in the top 10% of students in his class for 5 years.



Received 5 year fellowship from Cairo University for being in the top 5% of students in his class.


Classes Taught

            In the US

·         CEE 316 Surveying Engineering

·         CEE 306 Construction Engineering

·         CEE 498c (Currently CEE 424) GIS for Civil Engineers

·         CM  498 Surveying for Construction Managers

·         CEE 390 Systems Engineering and Optimization


            In the Egypt

·         Surveying for Civil Engineers

·         Surveying for Petroleum Engineers

·         Surveying for Architectural Engineers

·         English Technical Writing for Grad Students





Scott Rutherford                                                       (206) 616-3988

Professor and Chair, Civil Engineering, University of Washington


John Ferguson                                                           (206) 543-5176

Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Washington


Joe P. Mahoney                                                                     (206) 685-1760

Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Washington


Stephen Reutebuch                                                   (206) 543-4710

Auxiliary Faculty, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington


Frank Scarpace                                                         (608) 263-3973

Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison


James Scherz                                                             (608) 262-7901

Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison