BIS 393 Winter 06, Redesigning Humanity

Extra stuff

History of evolution and eugenics

Dana Seitler, "Unnatural Selection: Mothers, Eugenic Feminism, and Gilman's Regeneration Narratives," (

H. G. Wells non-fiction essays on evolution and degeneration (pdf)

Martin Fichman, Evolutionary Theory and Victorian Culture (pdf, mentions Gilman & Wells in relation to scientific theorists)

Paul Fayter, "Strange New Worlds of Space and Time: Late Victorian Science and Science Fiction" (pdf 480kb, discusses Wells)

William Coleman, "Transformation" (pdf, history of evolution)
Peter Bowler, "Social Implications of Evolutionism" (pdf)
Charles Darwin, Descent of Man (pdf, excerpts)

A History of Evolutionary Thought,
"Charles Darwin," Victorian Web,
The Huxley File,
T. H. Huxley, "Prolegomena to Evolution and Ethics" (1893, on evolution and degeneration),
"Social Darwinism," Wikipedia,

Stephen Jay Gould, "Carrie Buck's Daughter,"

Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement,

"Against Their Will: North Carolina's Sterilization Program,"

"The Black Stork," 1917 eugenics movie,
Beyond Affliction: The Disability History Project,
"Nazi Persecution of the Disabled," United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,

Brave New World
1923 essay by geneticist JBS Haldane, "Daedalus, or Science and the Future," which was one of Huxley's sources for the biology ideas in the novel (Word doc, 20 pages)

Aldous Huxley (lotsa info and links),
Aldous Huxley (some reliable stuff here),

Jon Turney, "Into the Brave New World," in Frankenstein's Footsteps (chapter about the science behind BNW and other fictional versions, pdf 450kb)

Christine Rosen, "Why not Artifical Wombs?" GodSpy (!), Jan 14, 2004, (

Modern genetics

Human Genome Project, genomics, hereditary conditions research:

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (
Your Genes Your Health (
Genetic Disorder Information on the Web, DOE Human Genome Project (
Behavioral Genetics (
Phamacogenomics: Medicine and the New Genetics ("designer drugs,"

Genetic testing, privacy, lawsuits, laws:
Burlington Northern Railroad genetic/workplace discrimination case: "Railroad Agrees to Stop Gene-Testing Workers (Washington Post, Apr 19, 2001); "Genetic Testing" (Newshour, June 7, 2001)
Anti-Discrimination Laws (; State Genetic Privacy Laws (
"Genetics and the Law," Council for Responsible Genetics (legal cases,
University of Washington Center for Genomics and Healthcare Equality (
Coalition for Genetic Fairness (
J. Beckwith and J. Alper, "Reconsidering Genetic Antidiscrimination Legislation" (pdf)

Gene testing business:
"At-home genetic testing raises questions," (NY Times, Mar 7, 2005)
Gail Vines, "Over-the-counter Gene Testing is Set to become Big Business" (pdf)
Breast cancer gene testing, Myriad corporation, monopoly on testing market (,
Arthur Allen, "The Disappointment Gene,", Oct 18, 2005 (pdf)
"Dubious Genetic Testing," Quackwatch (
Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, disbanded by Bush admin (

Pre-natal genetic testing and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis:
"Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis raises hopes but prompts ethical concerns" (March 3, 2004)
"Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis" (
"Screening for Abnormal Embryos Offers Couples Hope after Heartbreak," (NY Times, Nov 11, 2005)
Cynthia Powell, "Current State of Pre-natal Genetic Testing" (pdf)
Ruth Chadwick, "Can Genetic Counselling Avoid the Charge of Eugenics?" (pdf)

Gene therapy:
Gene Therapy, Human Genome Project Information (
"Gene therapy if facing a crucial hearing," (NY Times, March 3, 2005)
"Gene Therapy," NewsHour (Feb 2, 2000)
Jesse Gelsinger case: 18-year-old volunteer died in 1999 gene therapy experiment (Washington Post reporting)
"Genetic Muscle Therapy Causes Stir" (Seattle PI, Feb 17, 2004)
Gene Therapy in the News, American Society of Gene Therapy (

Sex, sexuality:
"Baby gender selection ruled out," (BBC, Nov 13, 2003)
"Selective abortion: 10 million girls missing in India" (Yahoo, Jan 9, 2006)
"Do Genes Determine whether we are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or straight?"  (

"DNA testing: in our blood," (Newsweek, Feb 6, 2006)
The Genographic Project, National Geographic-IBM (
"Does Race Exist?" (SciAm, Nov 10, 2003)
Mitchell Cohen, "Is Violence in Your Genes? The Violence Initiative Project: Coming to an Inner City Near You" (pdf)
"Genetic find stirs debate on race-based medicine," (NY Times, Nov 11, 2005)
"A genetic clue to high SIDS rates in blacks," (PI, Feb 2, 2006)

Critics, policymakers:
David King, "Persistence of Eugenics" (
Genetics and Public Policy Center, Johns Hopkins University (
Council for Responsible Genetics (
Center for Genetics and Society (
The President's Council on Bioethics (various reports,
Michael Sandel, "What's Wrong with Enhancement?" (President's Council on Bioethics)

Fun stuff:
Ancestry By DNA (real commercial genetic analysis of your race/ethnicity,
Genovations: Predictive Genomics (real for-sale at-home testing,
Genochoice: Create Your Own Genetically Healthy Child Online! (
BioCom (

Genochoice: Create Your Own Genetically Healthy Child Online! (
Leon Kass quotations (Word)
Chris Mooney, "Irrationalist in Chief" (critique of Kass, Sept 2001)

Brain science/enhancement
"Controlling tremors with the push of a button," (Evening Magazine, Feb 24, 2006, on a brain implant to treat Parkinson's symptoms)
"The Adderall advantage," (NY Times, July 31, 2005) (html)
"Brave Neuro World" (The Nation, Jan 9, 2006)
Richard Restak, "Cosmetic Pharmacology" (pdf)
Peter Tsien, "Building a Brainier Mouse" (SciAm, 2000, pdf)
"Designer babies":
"Our Genes/Our Choices: Making Better Babies" (PBS program)

Mark Frankel, "Inheritable Genetic Modification and a Brave New World" (pdf)
Brian Alexander, "The Remastered Race" (
Stephen Pinker, "The Designer Baby Myth" (,3858,4683679-111396,00.html)
Ruth Hubbard and Stewart Newman, "Yuppie Eugenics" (
"Designer Baby Ethics Fear," (BBC, Oct 4, 2000)
Marcy Darnovsky, "Case against Designer Babies" (pdf)
Lee Silver interviews, "Liberation Biology", and "Back to the future"
The President's Council on Bioethics (various reports incl expert opinions on many types of enhancement "Beyond Therapy,"
Michael Sandel, "What's Wrong with Enhancement?" (President's Council on Bioethics)

"Gene doping"
"Apocalypse now: fears of gene doping are realized," (Times, Feb 2, 2006)
"There is no stop button in the race for human re-engineering," (Guardian, Jan 30, 2006)
"The first genetically modified Olympics," (
"Will genetics destroy sports?" (Discover, July 2004)
"Genetic muscle therapy causes a stir" (mighty mice, PI, Feb 17, 2004)
Andy Miah, Genetically Modified Athletes (

"Inventing Our Evolution," (Washington Post, May 16, 2005)
"Humanity: The Remix" (Utne, May/June 2005)
World Transhumanist Association
Oxford conference March 2006, "Tomorrow's People: The Challenges of Technologies for Life Extension and Enhancement"
Transhumanism's Extropy Institute

Other "alterations":
"FDA approves Humatrope [human growth hormone] for short stature," (FDA 2003)
"Indigo child," Skeptic's Dictionary (
"The Altered Human is Already Here," (NY Times, Apr 6, 2004)
Bill Joy, "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us," (Wired, April 2000)
Carl Elliott, Better Than Well weblog (

"Cloning," reports of President's Council on Bioethics 2002 (
Gregory Pence, "Top 10 myths about human cloning" (
Dorothy Wertz, "21 arguments against human cloning and their responses" ( )
Cloning Fact Sheet, Human Genome Project (
"Seven Days of Creation: ACT Cloning," (Wired, Jan 2004, company that cloned first human embryo)
Clonaid ("cloning company" of the Raelian cult)
"Probe says South Korean forced staff to give eggs," (Yahoo, Feb 2, 2006, stem cell scandal grows)

Susan Wendell, "Who Is Disabled? Defining Disability" (pdf)
Harriet McBride Johnson, "Unspeakable Conversations" (pdf)
Tom Shakespeare, "Christopher Reeve: you'll believe a man can walk," (BBC, Oct 29, 2004)
Genetic Alliance (research coalition of consumers/patient groups, scientists, industry,
Lori Andrews, "The Changing Face of Parenthood in the Genetics Era" (pdf)
Deborah Kaplan, "Pre-natal Screening and Diagnosis: Impact on Persons with Disabilities" (pdf)

Carol Padden, "Talking Culture: Deaf People and Disability Studies" (Word doc, on deaf history & culture vs "disabled")
"Couple 'Choose' to Have Deaf Baby," BBC, April 8, 2002.
Julian Savulescu, "Deaf Lesbians, 'Designer Disability', and the Future of Medicine," BMJ Oct 5, 2002.
"A World of Their Own," Washington Post, March 31, 2002.

Elizabeth Moon, "Autism: Past, Present, Future, Speculative" (
Conversation with E. Moon (pdf, from earlier edn of the novel)
"Neurodiversity Forever: The Disability Movement Turns to Brains," NY Times, May 9, 2004.
Neurodiversity movement (, also, and satirical Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical (

"On autism's cause, it's parents vs research," (NY Times, June 25, 2005, on mercury theory)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, "Deadly Immunity," (from Salon, June 16, 2005)
"Scientific brain linked to autism," (BBC, Jan 30, 2006)

"Autism Spectrum Disorders," National Institute of Mental Health (
"Scientists find clue to autism in a gene," (Apr 2004)
Autism Society of America (
Cure Autism Now Foundation (
Association for Science in Autism Treatment (
"Refrigerator Mothers" (PBS program)

"Neuroethics," report of President's Council on Bioethics, 2004 (

Anne Finger, "Invalids, de-generates, high-tech zombies, and old-fashioned Hollywood cripples," (html, review of Gattaca in RaggedEdge)
Kathleen Ellis, "Reinforcing the stigma: The representation of disability in Gattaca" (html)

Reproductive technologies
Jennifer Burwell, "Utopia and Technopolitics in Woman on the Edge of Time" (pdf 600kb)
Anne Hudson Jones, "Feminist Science Fiction and Medical Ethics" (pdf)

William Saleten, "Leave No Embryo Behind," (Slate, June 3, 2005)
"Twin births boom in China as more women take fertility drugs," (Yahoo, Feb 12, 2006)
John Harris, "Assisted reproductive technology blunders," (BMJ, vol 29, 2003)
"Multiple moms, one nameless donor," (Wash Post, Feb 27, 2006)

Reproductive Technologies Web, Global Reproductive Health Forum (
Judy Wachman, "Delivered into Men's Hands? The Social Construction of Reproductive Technology" (

"Men redundant? Now we don't need women either," (Observer, Feb 12, 2002)
"Why not artificial wombs?" (
"Lesbian couples could have own baby," (BBC, Jan 18, 2002)
"Heterosexual reproduction is now obsolete" (Badpuppy, May 1997)

"POP! The First Male Pregnancy" (

Abby Lippman, "The Genetic Construction of Prenatal Testing: Choice, Consent, or Conformity for Women?" (pdf)
Rayna Rapp, "Refusing Prenatal Diagnosis: The Meanings of Bioscience in a Multicultural World" (pdf)

Medical ethics

Anne Hudson Jones, "Feminist Science Fiction and Medical Ethics" (pdf, about Woman on the Edge of Time)
Marge Piercy homepage (

Ruth Faden, "Human Radiation Experiments: Reflections on the Ehtics of Biomedical Research" (, response to revelation of US goverment experiments)

"Remembering Tuskegee," (NPR, July 2002, about the untreated syphilis experiment)

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Last modified: 3/02/2006 6:47 PM