LIS 520  Janes


Searching The Web



readings & resources

Finding Information on the Internet (UC Berkeley Library)


The History of Search infographic


Aula, Khan, and Guan, “How Does Search Behavior Change as Search Becomes More Difficult?” CHI 2010

Etzioni, Oren, “Search Needs a Shake-UpNature 8/4/11 (will require proxy authentication)

Madrigal, Alexis, “Inside the Google Books Algorithm”, Atlantic 11/1/10

Thompson, Clive, “What Is I.B.M.’s Watson?”  New York Times Magazine 6/16/11


3 Flavors of Social Search:  What to Expect readwriteweb 11/12/09

Search Takes a Social TurnNew York Times 9/12/10

Google Explores Re-Ranking Search Results Using +1 Button Data



Bing:  Explore,  Advanced Operators

Twitter Search Engines David Lee King


Google’s War on Nonsense New York Times Opinionator blog 6/26/11


Google Analytics for Libraries Joe Morgan (PDF)




questions to prepare for class discussion

coming soon….



older stuff

OCLC White Paper on the Information Habits of College Students, “How Academic Librarians Can Influence Students’ Web-Based Information Choices”, July 2002 (pdf)

“Trying to Elude the Google Grasp”, New York Times 7/25/2002

Price, Gary, “Specialized Search Engine FAQs: More Questions, Answers and Issues”, Searcher 10 (9), 42-47, October 2002

Mostafa, Javed, “Seeking Better Web Searches”, Scientific American 1/24/05

Hof, “Is Google Too Powerful?”  Business Week 4/9/07

Pan, et al (2007). In Google we trust: Users' decisions on rank, position, and relevance. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(3), article 3.


Search Engine Use Pew Internet & American Life Project 2008

Carr, David, “How Good (or Not Evil) Is Google?  New York Times 6/22/09

Roussinov, et al.  Beyond Keywords:  Automated Question Answering on the Web”, Communications of the ACM 51(9), September 2008 (authentication/proxy required)

Jansen, et al. “Brand and its Effect on User Perception of Search Engine Performance”, JASIST 60 (8), 2009.

Cascio, Jamais, “Get Smarter”, Atlantic July/August 2009

Google to Build State-Run Search EngineNew York Times 8/13/10




Janes, Joseph, “Fundamentals of Searching Digital Resources”, (PDF) Chapter 1 of The Internet Searcher’s Handbook, by Peter Morville, Louis Rosenfeld and Joseph Janes; revised by GraceAnne A. DeCandido (New York:  Neal-Schuman), 1999.

Morville, Peter, “In Defense of Search”, Digital Web July 2002

Bates, Marcia, “After the Dot-Bomb:  Getting Web Information Retrieval Right This Time”, First Monday 7 (7), July 2002