LIS520  Janes


The Web, Structure and History



a bit of history

History of the Internet

What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years Eric Schmidt via readwriteweb

18 Interesting Firsts on the Internet

Prophecies of the Internet, 1971 boingboing 3/31/11


Anderson & Wolff, “The Web is Dead.  Long Live the InternetWired September 2010


Bush, Vannevar, “As We May Think” Atlantic Monthly 176 (1), 101-108. 


Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web!  cnet 8/6/11


Why did the Web happen?

How would you explain packet switching to someone unfamiliar with it, but who uses the Internet?

How close was Bush’s vision to what we now think of as the Web?

What are the implications of the trends outlined in the Anderson & Wolff article for the traditional library/information world?  Do you believe Schmidt’s predictions to be valid?

Do you find those trends to be intuitive?




structure of Web documents

The Structure of HTML Documents (Web Developer’s Virtual Library)

Creating Web Documents  (

What is XML?  (

Getting Started with XML (Eric Lease Morgan)


HTML tags describe logical components of documents (titles, headings, paragraphs, etc.).  What other kinds of logical components could you imagine implementing as tags?



mechanics of search engines

How Internet Search Engines Work (How Stuff Works)

The Anatomy of a Search Engine (article by Brin & Page delivered at 7th Int’l Web Conference, describing technical features of Google before it was Google)

How Google Works  (the graphical version)

SEO 101 (Search Engine Watch)


What happens, behind the scenes, when you type a query into Google?




some other interesting or fun things

The Internet of Things IBM via YouTube

How Much Information (2000) 2003 version (School of Information Management & Systems, UC Berkeley)

Choosing Quick Hits Over the Card Catalog New York Times 8/10/00

Ghost Sites

The Internet Archive