LIS520 Janes


Finding Books & Monographs, Bibliographic Resources

Bibliographies:  Trade, National, Subject; Catalogs, Union Lists, Web Bookstores, Bibliographic Utilities, Reviews, Reader’s Advisory



Walker & Janes, Online Retrieval:  A Dialogue of Theory and Practice, chapters 5, 6, (PDF) 1998; also available from UW as EBSCO ebook


WorldCat turns 40 OCLC

Why Metadata Matters for the Future of E-Books Wired Epicenter August 2010

Some Findings from WorldCat Local Usability Tests OCLC July 2009

Working around works Lorcan Dempsey OCLC

Catalog 2.0:  Your Library Catalog in a Global Environment State Library of Kansas


Library of Congress May Begin Transitioning Away from MARC Library Journal 5/26/11


How the W3C Has Come to Love Library Linked Data Library Journal 8/31/11


Bray, Tim. "About as Big as the Web"  Ongoing (8 May 2003)



questions to prepare for class discussion

What sorts of content would you think you’d be likely to find in books?

In what situations (types of questions) would you think of turning to a search for books first?

How do the various searching options presented below differ from each other?

How do the various data structures represented differ from each other?

Can you think of 3 primary methods or schemes for searching for books?

What is in the inverted file for the UW Libraries Catalog?  For WorldCat?  Amazon?  Google Book Search?  NUC Pre-1956 Imprints?


How would you explain, to a lay person, what happens when you do a search in WorldCat?

Is Open WorldCat a good idea?  For whom?  Under what circumstances?  Why is OCLC doing it?


Why do you think LC believes “it would behoove the community to get comfortable with other data structures”?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of pre-coordinate and post-coordinate methods of subject description for books and monographs?


What strikes you in the WorldCat Findings piece?


How would you explain the significance of the W3C article to a friend, not in the information field?


How is searching for monographic materials changing, as the nature of the book changes?



Searching Options  You may find these of use in Searching Assignment 1.

UW Libraries Catalog, Seattle Public Library Catalog, King County Library System Catalog

Orbis Cascade Alliance (the Summit catalog)

OCLC WorldCat (via FirstSearch, UW restricted), see also, 

Books in print

Google Books


National Union Catalog, National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints Suzz Ref Folio Stacks

Verification Tools:  In Print and Price Listing Resources (AcqWeb)

other library catalogs (Libweb)

List of National Libraries (Wikipedia)

European national libraries, with some links to bibliographies and union catalogs (The European Library)

national bibliographies of the World (listed, in print, British Library)



Data Structures

MARC Home Page, including Understanding MARC Bibliographic (esp. Parts I, II, III, VII, XI)

MARC Tag Mapping for OPACs (Special Libraries Cataloging)



Record for Online Retrieval from…

UW Library Catalog






Searching Stuff

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification