LIS520  Janes

Autumn 2011


Briefing Paper 



This assignment will give you experience in examining, understanding and evaluating trends in the information environment.  You are to work in groups of 2 or 3 on this assignment.  You may find this Catalyst tool of some assistance in forming a group.


For this assignment, you are to prepare a document for some relevant information organization (library, museum, publisher, technology company, bookstore, scholarly society, etc) describing and analyzing the likely future trends of importance over the next 12-24 months, in the book and/or scholarly journal publishing domain, for them to use in future planning


Your report should include, at a minimum:


·      an executive summary of your findings

·      a brief description and background of the organization you choose

·      a discussion of the environment and important relevant trends, which might include such elements as important organizations, technological initiatives to watch, recent successes and/or failures, etc.

·      a recommendation of the single most important innovation that this organization could implement to take advantage of these trends (with appropriate justification)


What you submit should be a professional document, of at most 7 pages (plus citations and any appendices).


Your submissions will be evaluated on the depth of research, thought and analysis of your work, understanding of the organization and its environment, the creativity and appropriateness of the recommended innovation, the strength of your recommendations and justification, and the professional manner of presentation of your report.  Please be sure that your submission has the last 4 digits of your student numbers and not your names in the upper right hand corner of the first page.


The Assignment is due at 8:30am on November 23 NOTE new deadline. Please submit as a Word document to this Catalyst dropbox.