University of Washington
Geography 350
Market saturation

Consider the degree of competition within different market areas:

In comparing alternative potential market areas, we might want to characterize each with respect to the degree of competition present.

How much competition exists already within a market area?  Here's an approach to estimating the saturation index (SI) for market area i.

SIi =  ___Ri / (Pi Ei)___
         max [R / (P E)]

    where P is a measure of population, E is a measure of per capita expenditure (on consumer items in general, or on your particular product category), and R is a measure of the amount of retail space (or space devoted to your particular product category), each within the market area
    where max [R / (P E )] is the maximum value of R / (P E) that can be achieved in any market area.
SI is a real index;  it must take a value between 0 and 1.  (Would a retailer be more attracted to a market area with an SI near 0 or near 1?)  Alternatively, the denominator could be a national average of retail space divided by retail market size, in which case the SI would be a saturation quotient, analogous to a location quotient.

copyright James W. Harrington, Jr.
revised 14 April 2011