University of Washington
Department of Geography
Geography Colloquium Series, Autumn 2004
Geography Colloquia usually meet on Fridays at 2:30 in Smith Hall 304.
The usual format is a brief introduction, a 40-minute presentation, and 15 minutes for questions.  At 3:30, the formal session is followed by informal discussion over refreshments.  Please join us!

  1 October Securing Childhood: Hypervigilance and the Compromised Space Of Everyday Life Cindy Katz, City University of New York
  8 October Roots: Uncovering African-American Environmental Narratives Carolyn Finney, Clark University [LJ]
15 October
undergraduate students are invited!
Mpinde Samaki Angali Mbichi* - Opportunities in Int'l Study and Research Brian Coffey, Mary Ann Curtis, David Fenner, Matthew Sothern, University of Washington [JWH]
22 October Toward Non-Representational Geography: Triagulating with Deleuze & Guattari, Self-Organization, and Heidegger Robert Mugerauer, UW College of Architecture & Urban Planning [JWH]
29 October  Geographic Approaches to the Nexus of Disability, Substance Abuse, Arrests, and ER Admissions Elizabeth Kohlenberg, Washington Dept. of Social and Health Services [JWH]
  4 November, 3:30-5:00, 
Thomson 317
Empowering HIV-Positive Villagers in Henan, China Shao Jing, Institute of Anthropology, Beijing University
 5 November Neoliberal Geopolitics Matthew Sparke, University of Washington
12 November: cancelled HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa Jonathan Mayer, University of Washington 
19 November In Defense of Human Rights Jamie Mayerfeld, Political Science, University of Washington 
26 November Thanksgiving holiday
  3 December "We're Just Like the Irish":  Narratives of Assimilation and Belonging among Arab Immigrants to the United States Lynn Staehili, University of Colorado [MB]
10 December
Smith Hall 409
Annual holiday party

* "Bend the fish while it is still moist," in Kiswahili

contact:  Professor JW Harrington
revised 11 October 2004