University of Washington
E-Retail:  questions from the reading and in-class discussions

1.  How does e-tailing complement in-store retailing, from the consumer's perspective?  For what purposes and under what circumstances do consumers seem to prefer one to the other?  What influences your decision to make internet purchases vs. in-store purchases?

2.  What did Forman et al. discover about consumers’ preferences for internet vs. in-store purchasing? 


3.  How is internet retailing different from brinks-and-mortar retailing?

4.  What characteristics soes internet retailing share with bricks-and-mortar retailing?
5.  If a retailer engages in both forms of selling, how can they complement each other? 

[Think of each of the elements of marketing (place, placement, product mix, pricing, promotion, distribution)]

6.  If a retailer wants to focus on one or the other, how should it try to compete successfully with similar retailers offering products through the other medium?

Copyright James W. Harrington
revised 8 May 2011