Autumn 2001 Meeting
Saturday 27 October 2001
University of Washington
Smith Hall (see map;  park in Central Plaza Garage (C-2))


8:30 a.m.    REGISTRATION  and  REFRESHMENTS  (Smith Hall, fourth floor corridor)

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.    SESSION  1a  (Smith Hall 415)
Chair:  Kam Wing CHAN, University of Washington 
9:00 David PASCHANE, University of Washington, "Human health in geographies of institutional controls: A framework for linking political actions, health service markets, and adaptive negotiations"
9:20 Chiaki ITO, University of Washington, "Thai Labor Migration to Japan:  Problems and Changes: A Perspective From Thailand"
9:40 Enru WANG & Kam Wing CHAN, University of Washington, ""Educational Inequality in China"

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.    SESSION  1b  (Smith Hall 409)
Roundtable Discussion: "Learning-Centered Curriculum Development"
Modertator:  Tim NYERGES, University of Washington

10:10 - 11:30 a.m.     SESSION  2  (Smith Hall 415)
Chair:  Steve HERBERT, University of Washington
10:10 Jennifer HARVEY, University of Victoria, "Public Transit Feasibility in British Columbia's Columbia Valley"
10:30 Nathaniel TRUMBULL, University of Washington, "The 'Growth Management Forum': A Pilot Project Between the University of Washington and Washington State Planners"
10:50 Suzanne Davies WITHERS, University of Washington, "The Spatial Interdependence of Dual-Earner Households in Puget Sound"
11:10 Steve HERBERT, University of Washington, "Community and Policing?"

11:40 a.m. - Noon    POSTER  SESSION  (Smith Hall, fourth floor corridor)
Keltie CRAIG, University of Victoria, "Urban Waste and Environmental Activism"
Amy SWENSON, Western Washington University, "CHINA: Health and Environmental Conditions Surrounding the Yangtze River and Its People"

Noon                        LUNCH  (buffet in Smith Hall 409)

12:30 - 1:10 p.m.    BUSINESS  MEETING  and  AWARDS  (Smith Hall 405)

1:15 - 2:35 p.m.    SESSION  3a  (Smith Hall 415)
Chair:  Nick CHRISMAN, University of Washington
1:15 Martha HENDERSON, Evergreen State College, "The Virtual Atlas of the PacificNorthwest and Expedition 2000"
1:35 Tom EDWARDS, Microsoft Corporation, "Geography.NET: How Microsoft Manages the Challenge of Globalization"
1:55 Craig ZUM BRUNNEN, University of Washington, "Integrative Graduate Education, Research, and Training in Urban Ecology"
2:15 Nick CHRISMAN, University of Washington, "Some Truth from GIS"

1:15 - 2:35 p.m.    SESSION  3b  (Smith Hall 409)
Chair:  Doug FLEMING, University of Washington
1:15 Alexander PEREPECHKO & Dmitry SHARKOV, University of Washington, "Central Eurasian Information Resource:  Categorical Coverage of the Russian Far East"
1:55 Richard MORRILL, University of Washington, "Growth Management and Population Change in Greater Seattle, 1990-2000"
2:15 Doug FLEMING, University of Washington, "Are We Useful?"

comments to James W. Harrington, Jr.
revised 22 October 2001