University of Washington
Geography 349 (Professor Harrington)
Response Paper 6

Questions from NPR's Planet Money,
"The Last T-Shirt in Colombia"

  1. Why do you think Jockey decided to source the Planet Money women's T-shirts from Crystal in Colombia?
  2. Why might this be among the last T-shirts that Jockey will source from that company?  What could Jockey do to continue using Crystal?
  3. What actions might Crystal take?  What would Crystal need to be successful in its strategic change?  What domestic Colombian policies might ease that strategic change?  What international trade policies might ease that change?
  4. What might the workers do if there are no more T-shirts to be made for export?  What would they need to be successful at these different options?  How might government policies help?

copyright James W. Harrington
revised 27 December 2013