University of Washington
TGEOG 349 (Professor Harrington)
Response Paper 2

Describe your background and interests in 500 words.  Write this in essay style, with well-formed paragraphs.

  •   What's your background:  major, academic class, raised where?
  •   What elements of background  may be relevant for this course (how much time outside US -- when and where?  What past or current courses, or work experience might be relevant?
  •   What are your learning objectives:  what do you want to be able to do in mid-March, relevant to the course subject matter, that you can't do now?  
  •  Which country and its trade relations will you pursue for your two papers in the course?  Why?
  •  Are there any special circumstances that will affect your academic work this quarter (I hope there aren't any, but we might as well get them out in the open now!)

copyright James W. Harrington
revised 27 December 2013