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Usage statistics for jtweedie/ on

Summary Period: Last 12 Months
Generated 16-Jun-2010 03:54 PDT

Usage summary for

Summary by Month
Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Jun 2010 63 58 60 17 31 39068 264 909 873 953
May 2010 48 25 46 18 67 57716 568 1451 781 1503
Apr 2010 35 30 33 15 85 62364 455 1018 909 1077
Mar 2010 97 66 87 21 92 81074 663 2701 2069 3020
Feb 2010 62 55 58 16 70 46412 464 1634 1555 1754
Jan 2010 37 34 36 13 65 36541 421 1118 1079 1174
Dec 2009 34 31 33 11 49 21950 354 1044 970 1080
Nov 2009 39 33 38 12 50 29663 374 1140 1002 1179
Oct 2009 34 29 28 14 76 46199 439 883 900 1076
Sep 2009 42 32 40 16 97 41029 497 1210 981 1262
Aug 2009 71 60 65 17 67 38410 537 2043 1885 2221
Jul 2009 53 47 50 13 77 33918 412 1566 1479 1656
Totals 534344 5448 16717 14483 17955

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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