TC 518, Winter
User-centered Design

Home page

Instructor: Jennifer Turns
Office: 245 Engineering Annex
Office Hours: By Appointment
Telephone: 206-221-3650


2/12/04: Materials from class on 2/10 have been posted in the "Class Materials" section of the website. The lists below are reminders/confirmation of your deliverable format.


  • HR Web
  • Web checkout
  • Online booksellers for book lovers
  • Webpine
  • Group Health
  • Children's Toys
  • Amazon homepage
  • Simplesite
  • Mediaplayers
  • Digital cameras

2/9/04: The agenda and powerpoint slides from week 4 are now available on the "Class Materials" page of the course website.

1/20/04: Updates

  • Summary/Position Paper responsibilities: The week by week responsibilities are now posted in the "class materials" section of the website
  • The resource page has been updated

1/5/04: The following course resources are now available

1/5/03: Welcome to TC518 - User-centered design.

Send mail to: Course Email
Last modified: 2/12/2004 12:58 pm